Compassion Transforms Lives of Children in Peru

The Christian charity Compassion is providing practical and support to more than 86,000 children in Peru through their sponsorship program.

PERU – In the midst of the health crisis surrounding the pandemic Christian charity Compassion is providing practical and support to more than 86,000 children in Peru through their sponsorship program.

One sponsor went the extra mile to help to radically turn around a very challenging housing situation for Joshmael and his family.

Elia SipanCompassion Peru:

In Peru we have 86,848 kids enrolled in our program. In this time of a health crisis we are working with the children from their homes right now. We have 260 frontline church partners.

Jose HuamanchumoCompassion Peru:

Health and income generation, connectivity both emotional and spiritual support to beneficiaries are the most important issues related to Covid-19. On the other hand Compassion Peru has been bringing hope to every child delivering medical supplies, hygiene kits, extra food, water and other resources to help during this time of crisis.

Elia Sipan:

Instead of the lunch and medical checkups they usually got provided at the project facilities we have started to deliver grocery bags, hygiene kits and launched telemedicine appointments for the health cases. Our program volunteers have walked the extra mile to quickly adjust to new technology and methodology.


We are working with churches providing lessons using radio stations, using WhatsApp, Facebook.


The tutors, the pastors really involved in reaching out to the children every single week. They are praying with them. They are talking and teaching them about the Bible and what Jesus says, especially in this time of need. They are also listening to their needs and also giving them a lot of encouragement.


We see children overcoming their situations, children with hope, taking the opportunities that the church of Compassion has provided. Joshmael, is a five-year-old beneficiary, who with lives with his faither and mother and his sibilings in a rustic house with frame mount walls and a tin roof. And the house has no divisions all the family lives in one space. Suddenly they received the news that they have a family gift from Joshmael’s sponsor. So with the support of the core of volunteers the family builds a room for Joshmael and when they were finishing the room their sponsor sent another gift for them. So in the midst of hopelessness Joshmael and his family experienced God’s love and the character of his sponsor and the church.

SummySponsored Child:

Thank you so much for sponsoring me. I’m very grateful. We’re praying for you. Be strong.

Read more news on Christian Ministry, Children, and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Missions Box.

About Compassion

Compassion International is a Christian child development organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty. Our ministry to children is twofold: We work through local churches to provide child development programs to deliver children from economic, physical, social and spiritual poverty, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. And we speak out for children in poverty – informing, motivating and equipping others to become advocates for children.


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