Franklin Graham Holds Closing Night of Route 66 God Loves You Tour in Southern California

Across the USA evangelist Franklin Graham will be sharing a message of hope during his 8 city Route 66 tour across the country.

USA — At a time when many people are experiencing fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness, the God Loves You Tour has traveled 2,000 miles along America’s Route 66 and Franklin Graham has shared a Gospel message in eight cities along the historic highway. More than 55,000 people attended the free evenings of music and hope that started in the Chicago area two weeks ago and finished in the Los Angeles metro on Saturday, October 2.

Night after night, hundreds of people responded to the message of God’s love. In all, more than 4,500 people indicated they made decisions for Jesus Christ. In the eight cities Graham visited, people from more than 1,400 churches worked with the God Loves You Tour out of a desire to see the Good News shared in their communities. Those churches are now following up with the thousands of people who responded to the Gospel invitation.

Franklin Graham:

The world has changed is the last year and a half yet the need for the Gospel hasn’t changed.

McKenna FerryCounselor:

Yes it’s complicated to have an event like this in the middle of COVID, but we need it so badly.

Darren PerkinsCounselor:

I think this is something very important to break that and shine the light of Jesus into these dark places.

“We as a community of Christians need an event like this to bring us together and remind us our whole purpose is getting out the word to help others find what we have.”

Franklin Graham:

The Route 66 God Loves You Tour started in Chicago, went all the way to California preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Michael TaitVocalist – Newsboys:

People that are hurting, people that have been through stuff they can get out of. God is in the forgiving business. That’s what He does.


Two little girls that I saw right away, they said that they wanted to re-commit their lives to God.


“It really touched my heart. It was really good knowing that God is with you and we prayed for Him to be in our life.”

“As a college student and a Hispanic woman it’s not really talked about a lot, so I decided now is the time to get up and really accept God.”

“Jesus, when He comes in He’s a life-changer.”

“I feel happy because I know He did forgive my sins.”

“When you think of Jesus you know God sent His only son to die for us and our sins you know there’s hope, there’s happiness, there is peace. It’s not time to give up. He told me to keep going.”

“From the bottom of my heart there’s only one decision that I’ve ever regretted and that was not coming to God sooner. I grew up on the streets. I was involved in the gangs and honestly I feel so unworthy of His love and His grace but He’s given me life.”

“I just feel my faith has been strengthened and restored.”

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