New Book: Whatever Happened to Evangelism?

CrossLink Publishing is pleased to announce the release in paperback and various eBook formats of Whatever Happened to Evangelism? by Danny Pelfrey.

ADAIRSVILLE, GA — CrossLink Publishing is pleased to announce the release in paperback and various eBook formats of Whatever Happened to Evangelism? by Danny Pelfrey.

Phoenix attorney Joseph La Rue says:

“Whatever Happened to Evangelism? is a timely, thought-provoking study of what evangelism is, why it matters, who should do it, and how to accomplish it. Filled with lots of pointers and real-life example, the short book explains that evangelism is not something only preachers do, but rather it is something in which all Christians can be involved. How amazing: God can use us to lead our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to Christ! Danny Pelfrey’s book will give you the tools and encouragement to do just that.”

A recent Barna group survey revealed that only 17% of churchgoers surveyed claimed to have heard the great commission and could give a reasonable explanation of its meaning. Those results along with data from many mainstream churches speak volumes about a changing attitude among disciples of Jesus about that which Pelfrey sees as the mission of the church. The author calls for a return to a Biblical approach in this matter while using Scripture and a host of illustrations from his own ministry. It is not so much a book about our problems as one about solutions.

Dr. Jerry Vines, Pastor-Emeritus, First Baptist Church Jacksonville, Florida writes:

“Evangelism is the heartbeat of the church, and that of the biblically informed Christian, because it is the heartbeat of God. Brother Pelfrey has given us a practical, passionate, and persuasive volume on why and how to do evangelism. I pray this book will result in many coming to know Christ.”

Whatever Happened to Evangelism (ISBN 978-1-63357-216-4), Trade Paper, 127 pages, $9.95, Religion/Christian Ministry/Evangelism from CrossLink Publishing, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever fine books are sold.

About the Author:

Danny Pelfrey for forty-five years served churches in the Midwest and South. He is a graduate of Point University with a master’s from Kentucky Christian University. This is his seventh book. Danny is married to Wanda. They have two daughters and five granddaughters.

About the Publisher:

CrossLink Publishing is a traditional Christian publishing company based in Castle Rock, CO. CrossLink publishes a variety of Bible study, meditation, and spiritual growth books distributed by Baker and Taylor.

For review copies and media interviews, contact: Danny Pelfrey 770-324-1843

CONTACT: Danny Pelfrey, 770-324-1843,

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