SAN ANTONIO, TX — Adult and Teen Challenge of Texas, San Antonio Men’s Rehab Center announced their fall fundraising event Greater Things Gala, to be held on Friday, October 15 with virtual and in-person options. The San Antonio Men’s Center serves men suffering from drug and alcohol addiction with a 12-month residential discipleship and life skills vocational training program. On campus, men receive group and individual biblical counseling, parenting classes, spiritual support, relapse prevention, anger management, and social/recreational activities as well as rehabilitation and a sober living for program graduates.
Austin Baughman, Men’s Rehab Center Director, says,
“Addiction is skyrocketing in Texas – the number of deaths due to alcohol and drugs is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. Recognized nationally as a public health crisis, addiction has taken a significant toll on lives in Texas. Most Texans needing help for addiction do not receive it.”
Baughman further explained,
“Here in Bexar County, residents are overdosing from opioids at a rate nearly twice the national average. One-third of all babies born in Texas suffering from opioid withdrawal are born in Bexar County. The pandemic, isolation, sickness, grief, job loss, food instability, and loss of routines have devastated many Bexar County residents and increased the need for addiction recovery programs.”
The San Antonio Men’s Rehab Center typically admits 180 men each year who are needing help for a life controlling issue. Offering yearlong, residential, Christian faith-based recovery programs for men, women, and teens who are struggling with a life-controlling issue, typically substance abuse, the program has served San Antonio for 52 years with the opening of the first center. Today the program has grown to operate programs in 10 Texas cities with 400 total beds. The yearlong length of the program, the minimal cost to participants, and the emphasis on transformation distinguish Adult and Teen Challenge of Texas from other programs.
For more information on Adult and Teen Challenge of Texas San Antonio Men’s Rehab Center, go to, or contact Christian Acuna at 210.319.1320 or
Read more news on Christian Living and Addiction on Missions Box.
Source: Christian News Wire, San Antonio Men’s Rehab Center Serves Men with Addiction and Life-Controlling Issues