Warrior Getaways Provide Healing for Veterans and their Families

Veterans, along with their families, are provided a safe space for respite, community, and healing. Hear the stories of couples and families.

UNITED STATES — Warrior Getaway is designed to serve American servicemen and women who have visible and invisible injuries as a result of war. Veterans, along with their families, are provided a safe space for respite, community, and healing. Hear the stories of couples and families whose lives were impacted at one of these getaways.

The best part of being with warriors with similar experiences is that it’s really not uncomfortable. You just have to hear their side, hear what they’ve done and you can relate.

Thomas FultonPrivate United States Army (Army):

My time in the service started in 2008 and I deployed to Afghanistan in 2009, in July, and we received a lot of casualties and we had a lot of friends that didn’t make it home. My commander was killed on August 25th, 2009. They were giving medical supplies. They dropped all the supplies off and as they were coming back, they were targeted with an IED and it killed everybody in the vehicle.

It took my belief system and flipped it on its head. I had a lot of guilt and shame coming from that experience.

Jeremy DuckettSergeant United States Army (Retired):

When I got back it took a long time before I realized that I was different. A lot of us came back and thought we were invincible. Nothing can hurt us. A lot of people made decisions we shouldn’t have and it cost some of them their lives.


We’ve known about the Warrior Getaway for five previous years. I knew it would be very emotional for my healing and the healing of other veterans.


I have been married to Joe for 47 years and it was only 3 years ago that I found out what PTSD was because there were no Warrior Getaways or anything like that when we were young.

Leah Duckett:

When we found out they incorporated the kids, it was like, Jeremy, we can take the kids and they can be on this journey with us because it’s not just him that’s effected.


This is a place of healing. It’s even been a place of continued healing for myself and my wife.


There’s always more to the story and not everyone around you can see that. With the veterans that are here, you can see perspectives that you might not have that are going to help you and I know it would help the veterans that are thinking about going to Joni and Friends program with their families because it is about the families and trying to minimize the effect of the trauma secondarily to the families and the caregivers.

Tina Davies Warrior Getaway Volunteer:

Things go on in war. Ugly things go on and it’s hard to talk about those things. And I think by being here and seeing that we love them, that Christ loves them, and we’re here because we want them to have the ability to speak and talk because through talk comes healing and hope and we’re already seeing so much that the Lord’s doing.


We can heal the brain, we can heal the body. We can medicate it, but there’s no way other than God to mend the broken heart.

Richard DaviesMaster Sergeant United States Army (Retired), Warrior Getaway Volunteer:

This one event right here is touching lives and already shaping new people to want to go out and continue providing that information pointing them to the Lord and more. So it’s just not hey let’s have a retreat. They’re already thinking that others need to hear this message too. So it’s absolutely amazing what Joni and Friends is providing here. We’re already seeing people’s passion for this topic and wanting to carry it further.


Here we can all develop a bond together.


We’re all healing together.

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About Joni and Friends

For 40 years, Joni and Friends has provided the hope of the Gospel and practical resources to people affected by disability around the globe. Ministry programs include Wheels for the World, Family Retreats, the Christian Institute on Disability, and church ministry training. Joni and Friends also delivers inspirational media such as the Joni and Friends radio program and podcasts. To find out more, please visit www.joniandfriends.org.

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