LAKE MARY, FL —Dr. Michael Brown is taking charge to see revival shift into a cultural revolution in his latest release, Turn the Tide (ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-357-0).
“When revival does come, how can we move from outpouring in the church to awakening in society?” Brown writes. “Put another way, how do we move from revival to reformation?”
Brown answers these critical questions for how believers can actively take the experiences they’ve had with the Holy Spirit and use them to revive multiple areas of society.
“My greatest concern is not so much the presence of darkness in America as it is the absence of light,” Brown writes. “This book, then, focuses on the light—meaning on us—helping us realize how we can see genuine, lasting social transformation by implementing the principles laid out for us in Scripture.”
By examining historical accounts of revival and delving in deep into the Word of God, Brown gives readers the practical wisdom needed to engage with society and step out in faith to share the gospel with the world.
“How we respond today will go a long way in determining the future of our nation—our whether our nation even continues to exist as the United States of America.”
Turn The Tide is more than a book; it is a clarion call to action. Dr. Brown’s profound insights and practical guidance are poised to ignite a movement of cultural awakening and societal transformation that will impact generations to come.
“Revival alone will not get the job done. Revival alone will not turn the tide. It must be a revival in the church that leads to a reformation in society, an outpouring that leads to awakening.”
Turn the Tide, published by Charisma House, releases on May 7, 2024, and is available wherever books are sold.
About Michael Brown
Michael L. Brown, PhD, is the founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries and the president of FIRE School of Ministry. The author of more than forty books, he is also the host of the nationally syndicated daily talk radio show The Line of Fire, where he serves as your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. His syndicated columns appear on many leading websites, and his scholarly publications range from biblical commentaries to articles in Semitic journals and theological dictionaries. He has served as an adjunct or visiting professor at seven leading seminaries and has debated gay activists, agnostic professors, and Orthodox rabbis on university campuses. His website is
Keep in touch with Michael Brown
Facebook: @ASKDrBrown
YouTube: @LFTV
X: @DrMichaelBrown
Instagram: @drmichaelbrown
Title: Turn the Tide: How to Ignite a Cultural Awakening | Series: From Revival to Reformation – Book 2 | Release Date: May 7, 2024 | Retail: US $19.99 | ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-357-0 | E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-358-7 | Binding: Trade Paper | Size: 5.5″ x 8.25″ | Page Count: 240 | Hometown: Concord, NC | BISAC Category: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth, RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth, RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues
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Source: Christian News Wire, Dr. Michael Brown is ‘Turning the Tide’ for a Cultural Revolution in His Latest Release