Is the Global Talent Crisis a New Opportunity to Share the Gospel?

Scatter Global is helping people get into places where the Gospel is desperately needed and, at times, inaccessible without meeting a Christian.

ATLANTA – The good news is that Jesus Christ has come to seek and to save the lost. Each and every follower of Jesus has been commissioned by Him to continue sharing all that He taught so that unreached people will see His great love and come to God the Father through Him. (See Matthew 28:18-20 and John 14:6)

Revolutionary change in global missions

Each generation over the past 2,000 years has faced unique challenges in sharing the Gospel. In every generation, the Lord has raised up individuals with a vision of how to more effectively reach the unreached, either in a specific region or across the entire globe.

The Lord gave Dr. K.P. Yohannan a ground-breaking vision for a much-needed change in the methodology of foreign missions over 40 years ago. He wrote and published Revolution in World Missions, a book so powerful and important that over four million copies are now in print and the pattern he proposed is now used by countless faith-based, outreach ministries.

That book asks two significant questions:

Do you desire to make a difference in the lost world but aren’t sure how to go about it?

Do you desire to let go of self-centeredness and be more eternally minded?

Through that book, Dr. Yohannan opened the eyes of the world to the opportunity – even the necessity – for using indigenous, national missionaries. Were it not for that vision, even more people would be unreached today because about 80% of the world’s population live in areas where formal methods of evangelism are restricted.

A new opportunity in mission methodology is emerging

According to Jonathan Thiessen of Scatter Global, there are more unreached people in the world today than there were 50 years ago. Before we begin to judge ourselves as failures, we need to be reminded that Jesus told us that many would choose the broad road and the wide gate that leads to destruction and that few would choose to come to the Father through Him. (See Matthew 7:13) Our job is to make Jesus and His love known.

The task of reaching the unreached becomes more difficult when we face the fact that 58,000 people are added every day to the number of unreached around the world.

Reviewing reports on The Global Talent Crisis published by the Manpower Group, Thiessen believes that

God [is] creating new avenues for people to go in, and actually for a larger segment of the Church to go into some of these areas — not just those who would be willing to leave their career to go off and do what we’ve called ‘normal ministry,’ but those who would see their profession, their educational background, [and] their expertise as a way to influence and impact many different industries in global cities around the world.

Scatter Global is “helping people get into places where the Gospel is desperately needed and, at times, inaccessible without meeting a Christian.” The group is turning the demand for workplace talent into an opportunity for believers to find jobs in their chosen fields where they may be the only Jesus that someone ever sees.

The Scatter Global website banner reads, “You have unique skills and talents. Scatter Global helps you use them for missions.”

The 2018 Manpower Group Talent Shortage Survey indicates that

Emerging technology and changing skill needs are leaving employers with unfilled roles, threatening productivity, efficiency, and future growth. These combined factors have pushed talent shortages to their highest level since 2006.

The Shortage Survey indicates that the global average labor shortage is 46% which is also the same as for the United States. Countries that have the most difficulty filling jobs include Argentina (52%), Slovakia (54%), India (56%), Greece (61%), Turkey (66%), Taiwan (78%), Romania (81%), and Japan (89%).

God calls you to a place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

Scatter Global is, in effect, a sort of employment agency that inspires, equips, and places Christian professionals “from doctors and nurses to engineers and hair stylists” in positions in countries where traditional missionary activity is restricted. Theirs is a new revolution in world missions that is ready to fit alongside the national missionary movement to reach the unreached by the example of their lives and their testimony of the love of Christ.

You may obtain a FREE copy of Revolution in World Missions here.

To read more news on Global Missions on Missions Box, go here.


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