Send Me Where No One Wants to Go

Photo by Favor International, Facebook

BRADENTON, FL – The Lord answered that fervent title prayer from Carole Ward in 2001. As soon as she knew that He wanted her to go to Northern Uganda and South Sudan, she began to feel the pushback and resistance from well-intentioned church leaders and government officials. Entirely operated by indigenous leaders of Uganda and… Continue reading Send Me Where No One Wants to Go

Serving Christ Along the Silk Road

GREENVILLE, SC – Silk Road Catalyst is a Multi-National family of Disciple-Makers engaging the Gospel-Deprived in and from the Silk Road Region through a Presence of Legitimacy. The original Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe during the Han Dynasty in 130… Continue reading Serving Christ Along the Silk Road

Fish ‘n’ Chips Evangelism

CONROE, TX – It has been more than 2,000 years since Jesus invited Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow Him along with the promise that He would transform them into fishers of men. (Matthew 4 & Mark 10) Although it has not been recorded, what He taught them about becoming fishers of me, there… Continue reading Fish ‘n’ Chips Evangelism

Vapor Ministries

Photo by Vapor Ministries, Facebook

SYLACAUGA, AL – You’ve seen the numbers before. They are beyond our comprehension. 785,000,000 people have no access to clean drinking water. 3,600,000,000 people have no access to essential health services. One-third of all children suffer from malnutrition. 40% of the world has little or no access to the Gospel. Why don’t we more readily… Continue reading Vapor Ministries

The Trash Mountain Project

Photo by Trash Mountain Project, Facebook

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS – More than 15 million people worldwide live out their entire existence – work, home, play – in garbage dump communities. They wake up in the morning to the same stench of rotting and decaying garbage that they remembered yesterday. Try to grasp the reality. These are not a few people who live… Continue reading The Trash Mountain Project

MORE for Missionary Kids in Canada

DELTA, BC – MORE Network Services is one of only a few missional organizations in North America that specializes in facilitating the growth of missionary kids (MKs). Now in its 10th year, MORE is achieving its goal of mission-sending and training organizations, churches, and individuals to work “collaboratively and congenially” with each other. Network members… Continue reading MORE for Missionary Kids in Canada

Ratio Christi – Defending the Faith on Campus

Photo by Ratio Christi, YouTube

LAFAYETTE, IN – Ratio Christi is observing its tenth year of ministry in the most hostile place for Christianity in the United States – at the university campus. The non-profit is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. The ministry was established… Continue reading Ratio Christi – Defending the Faith on Campus

Pastors, Who You Gonna Call?

Photo by Care for Pastors, Facebook

LEESBURG, FL – The most important people in my life, as a demographic, have been my pastors. You probably feel the same. October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and the second Sunday in October is observed as Pastor Appreciation Day. It is fitting, therefore, that we dedicate at least one article to appreciating the men who… Continue reading Pastors, Who You Gonna Call?

Faith Mission Canada – Prayer, Evangelism, & Revival

CAMPBELLVILLE, ON – Missions Box recently featured a story about Village Missions in Canada. I decided to follow up on that with another Christian missionary agency that is also committed to sharing God’s Word with our neighbors to the north. That decision may be somewhat connected to the fact that I lived there for nearly… Continue reading Faith Mission Canada – Prayer, Evangelism, & Revival

Who Is This Man Called Mully?

Photo by Mully - The World's Largest Family, Facebook

NAIROBI, KENYA – The title question is not one that needs to be asked in Kenya. Everyone there knows who Mully is. I had never heard about Mully until I watched the Mully Movie last evening. I immediately knew that I had to introduce our readers to Mr. Charles Mully. He is a man whose… Continue reading Who Is This Man Called Mully?

Survey: Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to Heaven?

VENTURA, CA – The renowned Barna Group recently released the results and analysis and its latest survey conducted among 3,100 Americans. The purpose of the survey sponsored by Probe Ministries was to further define select worldview components of respondents labeled as Christian American across a range from Born Again to Unaffiliated. For those who have… Continue reading Survey: Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to Heaven?

Village Missions: Preach the Word & Love the People

MISSION, BC – The calling and thrust of Village Missions of Canada is to “Preach the Word & Love the People.” More than 60 million people live in rural areas of North America, including many of whom are isolated from major metropolitan areas. To that extent, we are not all that different than other regions… Continue reading Village Missions: Preach the Word & Love the People

Os Guinness Inspires NRB Attendees

Photo by Suzie Kats, Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

DALLAS, TX – The renowned Dr. Os Guinness was the featured speaker at the fifth and final day of the annual National Religious Broadcasters Convention on June 24, 2021. He was one of the many Christian luminaries to grace the stage at the Gaylord Resort in Grapevine, Texas. Others included former U.S. Secretary of State,… Continue reading Os Guinness Inspires NRB Attendees

Communitas International: Normal People with an Extraordinary Sense of Purpose

CENTENNIAL, CO – Communitas International has been described as “a global missional movement focused on secular, “post-Christian,” and mostly urban communities.” The Mission Field When we think of the unreached, our minds gravitate toward a history of sending Christian missionaries to foreign countries where the people had never heard about Jesus and His great grace.… Continue reading Communitas International: Normal People with an Extraordinary Sense of Purpose

2021 CRC Worldview Release #6 Christian, Conflicted, or Confused?

GLENDALE, AZ – The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University has published the sixth release in its series of American Worldview Reports for 2021. The report is entitled “What Does It Mean When People Say They Are Christian?” Each successive report issued over the past two years is a wake-up call for followers of… Continue reading 2021 CRC Worldview Release #6 Christian, Conflicted, or Confused?

2021 CRC Worldview Survey Release #5: Unbiblical Ideas Embraced by Americans

GLENDALE, AZ – The Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University has released the fifth in its series of reports examining Americans relative to our current Biblical worldviews. The report begins with what may be the boldest opening line of any of the releases so far. The American public flaunts its free will in… Continue reading 2021 CRC Worldview Survey Release #5: Unbiblical Ideas Embraced by Americans

2021 CRC Worldview Survey Release #4: Biblical Worldview Fading Away in America

GLENDALE, AZ – The Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University has released the fourth in its series of reports examining Americans relative to our current biblical worldviews. As with each preceding report and the reports released in 2020, the data is consistent, but the truths revealed are disappointing. The following chart can help… Continue reading 2021 CRC Worldview Survey Release #4: Biblical Worldview Fading Away in America

In Step with Cadence International

Cadence International, Facebook

ENGLEWOOD, CO – Cadence International began in the prayer of a young U.S. soldier during World War II. Along with several other servicemen serving in the Philippines, Jesse Miller was a frequent visitor at the home of American missionaries Cyril and Anna Brooks, where he grew in grace and faith. The impact of his experiences… Continue reading In Step with Cadence International

All Things Possible – Marine Turned Missionary

Photo by Victor Marx, Facebook

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – “There are times that bad stuff is going to happen, no matter how much you try and prevent it. It’s what you do afterward that makes a difference.” – excerpt from the opening of the documentary movie, “Triggered.” All Things Possible is a unique faith-based organization founded by Victor Marx. Marx… Continue reading All Things Possible – Marine Turned Missionary

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: 1940 – 2021

Photo by 88.1 The Living Word FM, Facebook

CHATTANOOGA, TN – Popular radio and television preacher and conference speaker Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Sr. passed away on Sunday, August 15. He had been hospitalized for eight days with complications of the COVID virus. Following his graduation from Tennessee Temple University, DeYoung participated in ministry with Dr. Jack Wyrtzen at Word of Life Fellowship in… Continue reading Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: 1940 – 2021

Jubal Band’s Message to Iran: Jesus is the ADHA in the Injeel

Photo by Jubal Band Ministries, Facebook

CYPRUS – When Jubal Band Ministries began in 2007, the concept was of a musical group producing online Christian worship videos. The group consisted of persecuted Iranian Christians living in Turkey. History By 2010, Jubal Band had added radio and television broadcasts in cooperation with existing Christian-owned networks and channels. 2013 was highlighted by the… Continue reading Jubal Band’s Message to Iran: Jesus is the ADHA in the Injeel

Mission Lazarus

NASHVILLE – Their Facebook page says that Mission Lazarus (ML) is a Christian ministry actively working in the developing countries of Honduras and Haiti with the purpose of intentionally sharing Christ’s love. Given the onward march of Christian missions of purposely becoming increasingly like secular NGOs, I am attracted to agencies who boldly proclaim that… Continue reading Mission Lazarus

Lutheran Bible Translators

CONCORDIA, MO – The Bible is the number one best-selling book of all time. About 20 million are sold in the United States annually. Ninety percent of all U.S. households possess at least one Bible. It is not uncommon for a Christian family to own three or four or more Bibles. Why is Bible translation… Continue reading Lutheran Bible Translators

James O. Fraser: A Missionary Ahead of His Time But in God’s Time

LONDON – James Outram Fraser had an engineering degree and was a talented concert pianist. He was also a faithful follower of Christ who was obedient to God’s calling on his life. He ministered among the Lisu people in China’s Yunnan province from 1908 until his death in 1938. Neither his name nor his story… Continue reading James O. Fraser: A Missionary Ahead of His Time But in God’s Time

Key Life: 15 Minutes of Grace

Photo by Key Life Network, Facebook

MAITLAND, FL – Do you ever have days when you feel like you are a mission field? Days when our spiritual enemy has attacked you from every direction? Days when it seemed like you could do nothing right? Days when you did, said, or thought things that offended God and others? Days when you had… Continue reading Key Life: 15 Minutes of Grace

U.S. Olympic Softballers’ Church on the Dirt

Photo by USASoftBall, Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

TOKYO – By the time you read this, you may already know that the US Olympic Softball Team has won the silver medal in the 2021 Olympic Games. What you may not know is that the U.S. women’s team features several young Christian women who are strong, outspoken followers of Christ. Living in a way… Continue reading U.S. Olympic Softballers’ Church on the Dirt

Outside the Bowl

Photo by Outside the Bowl, Facebook

PAARL, SOUTH AFRICA – There are essentially two major problems when it comes to hunger among impoverished families. First, there is food scarcity. That doesn’t mean that there is not an adequate global supply of food to feed everyone. There is. The problem is that the food is not readily available to the hungry people… Continue reading Outside the Bowl

World Day Against Human Trafficking: July 30 Spotlight on America

NEW YORK – The World Day Against Human Trafficking is observed annually on July 30. Despite the official observation, the vast majority of Americans will not be aware of the special day and its events. It’s unlikely that many will even give the subject matter a second thought. That’s probably not because they do not… Continue reading World Day Against Human Trafficking: July 30 Spotlight on America

Loving South Sudan In Deed And Truth

Photo by In Deed And Truth Ministries, Facebook

TONJ, SOUTH SUDAN – According to the World Watch List, the secession of South Sudan from Sudan in 2011 left both countries in chaos. This was especially true on a personal level for thousands of Christians who were starving, killed, injured, or displaced during attempts to force Sudan to become an Islamic state. Sabet Kuj… Continue reading Loving South Sudan In Deed And Truth

TEL Evangelism

Photo by Chris Yarzab, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

CEDAR HILL, TX – Elgin and Dorothy Taylor became the first African-American missionaries to Japan in 1959. Their 23 years on the island of Okinawa were merely the beginning of their 55 years of service in foreign missions. Following a brief retirement due to health reasons, the couple returned to missionary work, founding TEL International… Continue reading TEL Evangelism

Advancing the Gospel in the Age of Modern Media

Phil & Kathleen Cooke Photo by The Influence Lab, Facebook

BURBANK, CA – It took a book written in 1986 to awaken Christians to the need for a new approach to foreign missions. That book was Revolution in World Missions. As Great Britain and colonizing countries began granting wholesale independence to former members of their commonwealths, those nations were forming a new wave of nationalism… Continue reading Advancing the Gospel in the Age of Modern Media

The Loving Response of The Great Passion Play to the Vandalization of Christ of the Ozarks

EUREKA SPRINGS, AR – Nestled in the Ozark Mountains, Eureka Springs’ streets are lined with Victorian homes and buildings hugging cliff sides, one-of-a-kind shops, fine dining, art galleries, bed & breakfasts, cabins, and much more. Eureka Springs is a National Historic Site that has been called the ‘Stairstep Town’ because of its steep terrain and… Continue reading The Loving Response of The Great Passion Play to the Vandalization of Christ of the Ozarks

The Story of Heartbeat International

Photo by Heartbeat International Foundation, Facebook

TAMPA, FL – The vision for Heartbeat International formed when Federico Alfaro, a young doctor who had recently completed his residency at Baylor University, was in Guatemala and presented the case of a 17-year-old boy who had a serious heart block. A heart block occurs when the electrical signals that control your heartbeat malfunction. That… Continue reading The Story of Heartbeat International

The Amazing Amazi Water Story in Burundi

BUJUMBURA, BURUNDI – Burundi is a landlocked African country about the size of the state of Maryland. It is bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east, and the DRC to the west. Lake Tanganyika comprises much of its southern border. One of the poorest nations in the world, it has been called… Continue reading The Amazing Amazi Water Story in Burundi

Grieving with Gospel to Haiti

Photo by Gospel to Haiti, Facebook

HAITI – The Bible teaches us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn. Today is a day to mourn with Christian friends at Gospel to Haiti, where their mission is “Reaching the lost in the mountains of Haiti through medicine and building relationships.” Mourning Together Just a few days… Continue reading Grieving with Gospel to Haiti

NLT: Loving Those with Leprosy in Nepal

KATHMANDU – The National Leprosy Trust (NLT) is a Christian faith-based organization based in the UK that ministers to people with Hansen’s disease in Nepal. The NLT was founded by Eileen Lodge in 1972 after she had spent time working as a nurse in the country. What was once a modest endeavor, the National Leprosy… Continue reading NLT: Loving Those with Leprosy in Nepal

For Haiti With Love Finds a New Way to Love Haiti

Photo by DFID - UK Department for International Development, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

PALM HARBOR, FL – For Haiti With Love is the exact representation of a faith mission. It has no plans for building bigger barns. (See Luke 12:18) It does what it can with what the Lord provides. The on-the-ground work of For Haiti With Love consists of four primary elements. Offering nutritious, balanced meals to… Continue reading For Haiti With Love Finds a New Way to Love Haiti

Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Some of us are old enough to remember when the late-evening local news was preceded by a voice asking, “It’s 11:00. Do you know where your children are?” The answer hoped for was, “Yes. They are home, safely tucked into their beds.” No reply was expected. The question was an early form… Continue reading Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Gospel for Asia Providing Help and Hope that Transforms Impoverished Communities

WILLS POINT, TX – The Lord has used GFA World to share Good News, to send indigenous workers to provide help to needy communities, and to grow Bible-believing churches over the past 42 years. It enjoys global recognition as a major faith-based humanitarian organization. However, its primary mission remains to represent Jesus Christ and His… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Providing Help and Hope that Transforms Impoverished Communities

“I Can’t Hear You! I’m Hungry!” Gospel for Asia’s Impact During Our COVID Crisis

WILLS POINT, TX – Because GFA World (Gospel for Asia) has supported pastors and missionaries across South Asia for more than 40 years, the organization understands the ugly effect of food scarcity. Over those four decades, Gospel for Asia (GFA) has distributed countless foodstuffs and cooked tens of thousands of meals for hungry people –… Continue reading “I Can’t Hear You! I’m Hungry!” Gospel for Asia’s Impact During Our COVID Crisis

Reflective Thoughts on the World Day Against Child Labor

NEW YORK, NY – Not only is June 12 the World Day Against Child Labor, but 2021 has also been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor. The United Nations Global Compact is focusing on the issue of child labor. The Compact is a voluntary… Continue reading Reflective Thoughts on the World Day Against Child Labor

Barna & ABS Survey: The State of the Bible 2021

PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Barna Group and the American Bible Society recently released their 11th annual study on The State of the Bible 2021. The initial report contains two chapters, “The Bible in America” and “The New Normal.” The American Bible Society plans to release seven additional reports based on their survey throughout the balance… Continue reading Barna & ABS Survey: The State of the Bible 2021

“I Can’t Hear You! I’m Hungry!” GFA’s Impact During Our COVID Crisis

WILLS POINT, TX – Because GFA World has supported pastors and missionaries across South Asia for more than 40 years, the organization understands the ugly effect of food scarcity. Over those four decades, GFA World’s field partners have distributed countless foodstuffs and cooked tens of thousands of meals for hungry people—doing it all in the… Continue reading “I Can’t Hear You! I’m Hungry!” GFA’s Impact During Our COVID Crisis

Ananias House Offers Peace of God to People in the Middle East

HOUSTON, TX – Ananias House is a ministry dedicated to serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel in the Middle East and in North Africa. They equip communities with the training and resources to enable the church to be the place for restoration, healing, and hope. Although it is not a vision or mission statement… Continue reading Ananias House Offers Peace of God to People in the Middle East

A Biblical Perspective on World Environment Day

GENEVA – June 5 is the date for the annual observation of World Environment Day. Pakistan will host the event in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.” This year’s observance will also be the launching pad for the UN Decade on Ecosystem… Continue reading A Biblical Perspective on World Environment Day

Ethiopia ACT – Faith in Action in Addis Ababa

Photo by Ethiopia Act, Instagram

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia ACT is a Christian organization dedicated to serving Jesus Christ in and around the capital city of one of the most dangerous countries in Africa. Ethiopia ranks 36th on the Open Doors 2021 World Watch List, up three spots from 2019, but that list is focused primarily on the persecution of… Continue reading Ethiopia ACT – Faith in Action in Addis Ababa

Lifting Up the Vulnerable in Sudan and South Sudan

Photo by Lift Up the Vulnerable, Facebook

NEW YORK – Lift Up the Vulnerable (LUV) leads the only indigenously-directed anti-human trafficking network spanning Sudan and South Sudan. Overview of Sudan and South Sudan The residents of the two countries have suffered decades of instability, military conflict, food scarcity, and economic hardships. Nearly four million South Sudanese have been displaced as a result… Continue reading Lifting Up the Vulnerable in Sudan and South Sudan

Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day

Photo by USAID Kenya and East Africa, Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

WILLS POINT, TX – According to the CDC, more than 400,000 people die every year of malaria or other vector-borne diseases. That is one person every 90 seconds. Most of them are children under the age of five. This child in our image will likely not become one of those statistics because she is protected… Continue reading Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day

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