Honor Your Mother on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, May 12, 2019, in the United States and many other countries around the globe. It is a day when mothers everywhere receive honor from their children. It is a single day set aside to thank mothers for all they do the other 364 days of the year.

WILLS POINT, TX – Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, May 12, 2019, in the United States and many other countries around the globe. It is a day when mothers everywhere receive honor from their children. It is a single day set aside to thank mothers for all they do the other 364 days of the year.

The morning I am writing this, all of England and much of the rest of the world is rejoicing over news of the birth of the first child of the Duchess of Sussex. Her husband Prince Harry, having been present, told reporters, “How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension. We are both absolutely thrilled.”

As thrilled as we are for them, another 360,000 mothers will give birth to babies today. It is unlikely that many of those babies will receive the public attention that the UK’s latest royal will. But the attention, love, and care they receive from their mothers will be constant, continual, and individually incomparable.

There will be no other person in your entire life who will love you as unconditionally as your mother. She will “fix scraped knees, kiss away tears, and try to mend broken hearts.” She will love you, even when you disappoint her.

Your mother’s unconditional love is like that of Christ. She knows that you are imperfect. She understands that you will fail. She realizes that, even though you love her, your love may never approach the height and depth, or length and breadth of the love she had for you even before you were born.

She will forgive your shortcomings far more quickly and easily that you will hers. Because you expect her to make none. She knows you will make more than you expect. She will love you before your mistakes, through them, and beyond, to the moon and back.

She will sacrifice her days and her desires so yours will be full of all the best that life can bring. Your life will always be a greater priority for her than her own. Your success will always mean more to her than her own. You will be her success.

Henry Ward Beecher said, “The babe at first feeds upon the mother’s bosom, but it is always on her heart.”

Rudyard Kipling remarked that “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he had mothers.”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge believed that “The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.”

Amidst all the art, the prose, the poetry, comedian Milton Berle saw mothers as evidence against evolution when he reasoned that

“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?”

The Lord instructed us to honor our mothers (Exodus 20:12). We encourage you to do that at all times, especially on Mother’s Day, May 12, 2019.

To read more news on Mother’s Day on Missions Box, go here.


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