The All Nations Family

It takes just one look at the All Nations Kansas City website to clearly understand what motivates this FBO

KANSAS CITY, MO – It takes just one look at the All Nations Family Kansas City website to clearly understand what motivates this FBO. Their message is clear in three bold sentences.

  • Making Disciples where Jesus is not known.
  • One-third of the world hasn’t heard of Jesus.
  • Does your heart hurt for peoples who have not heard of Jesus?

Having made the first two statements and having asked the probative question, All Nations Family pinpoints its vision, mission, and guiding values without apology.

All Nations Vision & Mission

Their Vision is “to see Jesus worshipped by all the peoples of the earth.”

Their Mission is “to make disciples and train leaders to ignite church planting movements among the neglected peoples of the earth.”

All Nations Values

An organization’s vision is the goal they want to achieve or be a part of accomplishing. Its mission is an overview of how the organization intends to accomplish or contribute to its vision. Its values are the principles that will guide its long-term, short-term, and daily operations.

Many faith-based organizations have a vision and a mission similar to All Nations. That’s a good thing. However, the distinguishing characteristic of a trustworthy and worthwhile FBO is its values and its adherence to them. All Nations’ value system includes

  • Being led by the Holy Spirit because “our best strategies are nothing compared to following the Holy Spirit.” For that reason, all team members, regardless of position or assignment, “aim to know Scripture well, listen for guidance and His perspective in all decisions and interactions, affirm his guidance with others, and quickly follow His lead.”
  • Keeping it simple and reproducible. Whether it is training, working with partner churches, communicating, or creating new ventures, All Nations strives to ensure that every effort is in its simplest form. The emphasis on simplicity enhances the ability to reproduce and multiply.
  • Seek the good of others. Whether others are believers, unbelievers, neighbors, strangers, friends, or enemies, our responsibility is to love all other people in preference to ourselves. At All Nations, the dedication to this value means they “are willing to step outside of [their] own comfort zone or particular role, and to be interrupted, [in order] to bless others and bless God.”
  • Every believer plays a part. The church grows most dynamically when every believer uses their gifts as the Lord intended them to be, ensuring that the body is active, alert, and coordinated.
  • A dedication to excellence. Effectual evangelism is as much about excellence as it is urgency. We do not serve a shabby Savior. He deserves to be represented in “a sustained, dedicated pursuit of our God-given potential.”

All Nations’ Values Personified

The profiles of the All Nations team members reveal those people to be completely immersed in the group’s values. They are the personification of excellence, seeking the good of others, keeping things simple, and embracing the concept that the Holy Spirit must be allowed to work in and through the Holy Spirit’s direction and leadership.

Every team member in every position brings a wealth of expertise and unmitigated dedication to doing the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way.

To learn more about these people, what they have done, and what they are accomplishing, visit the webpage that offers insights into the members of both the Kansas City and the International leadership teams. These are people whom God is using to accomplish His purposes around the entire earth.

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