All-New Every Student Sent Platform Aims to Reverse the 70% College Faith Drop-off

US college ministries, youth ministries, Christian schools, denominations teamed together to reduce the 70% of students who leave their faith

AUSTIN, TX — US college ministries, youth ministries, Christian schools, and denominations have teamed together with Campus Renewal to mobilize college Gospel movements and reduce the 70% of Christian students who leave their faith in college. The first weeks when freshmen land on their new college campus are critical to solving this tremendous problem. This is also the time when non-believing students are most open to the Gospel and new friends and ideas.

The key is to mobilize incoming Christian students who are prepared missionally, and connected with ministries and Christian friends in advance. However, this is especially challenging during the pandemic when campuses are a mix of physical and virtual experiences.

In response, Campus Renewal has now transitioned Campus Ministry Link into a more effective missional, free, and socially interactive platform, called Every Student Sent.

“Now in one platform, a student can socially connect with ministries, churches, and students at nearly every university so that they have a missional community of friends and mentors long before they arrive on campus” explained Jeremy Story, President of Campus Renewal.

The website also provides a learning management system with discipleship training tools and video courses from ESS and national partners with mission, worldview, and discipleship training. This also serves parents, youth pastors, and school administrators who can use these for their teens and track their student’s progress along the way.

The largest college ministries, including Cru, Intervarsity, Navigators, Chi Alpha, Young Life, and more have joined together for this project aiming to ultimately connect every Christian student in America. This team includes high school ministries, churches, Christian school associations, homeschools, and denominations including the Assemblies of God, and Southern Baptists.

“Some of the largest Christian high schools in the nation are starting to use Every Student Sent and its resources in the college planning process to help students find the right career, major, and calling, identify colleges with good ministries, and learn how to engage culture on secular campuses.” explained John Decker, Every Student Sent Partnership Director.

Every Student Sent aims to double the number of students who continue to pursue their faith throughout their college experience. The tools provided to students will equip them to disciple non-Christian students virtually and/or on location. Another primary goal is to produce Christian graduates, who will saturate the business community with their faith-based leadership where cultural change is needed in our local communities. Business ministries such as Pinnacle Forum are collaborating on the transition to the workplace, and have already pioneered an on-campus group.

The parent organization behind Every Student Sent is Campus Renewal, founded in 1997 with a mission to create and catalyze united movements that transform college campuses. Jeremy Story, President and Founder says; “The harvest is plentiful on campuses and the laborers have been too few. Sending out more college graduates throughout our society as influencers for Christ is critical and Every Student Sent will be a significant part of this.”

Nick Hall, President of Pulse/Together 2020 encourages:

“Whether you are a student heading off to college, a parent, or church leader, you need to know about Every Student Sent. Hop on the site and learn about some exciting opportunities to connect with others and grow in your faith long before that first day on campus. Don’t just go to college, be a change agent for Jesus!”

Churches and schools can easily upload all their students. Local ministries and churches who serve university campuses are invited to list their organizations information for free on Every Student Sent website.

To learn more about Every Student Sent, visit or email

CONTACT: John Decker, 315-480-1232

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