D. James Kennedy Ministries Survey Reveals Christian Hunger for Fearless Pulpits

A write-in survey by D James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — A write-in survey sent to friends and supporters of D. James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents, by overwhelming margins, want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns.

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On issue after issue–abortion, religious liberty, poverty, sexual identity, Israel, Christian heritage, role of government, church in politics/government, and radical Islam–upward of 8 in 10 of those answering the D. James Kennedy Ministries’ “2020 National Pulpit Survey” think clergy should address these matters.

On at least two of the nine issues polled–abortion and religious liberty–respondents almost unanimously said pastors should sound forth. In addition, more than 70 percent of those answering the survey said almost every issue covered was “extremely important” to them.

“The results expose a hunger inside the church for pastors who will tackle tough topics–who will connect the dots between what the Bible teaches and what is happening in the world,” said Dr. Frank Wright, President and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries.

But that’s something too few pastors do. Barna Research reports that more than 90 percent of theologically conservative pastors agree that Scripture addresses all aspects of life. Yet just 10 percent said they were willing to speak to issues like abortion, religious liberty, and sexual identity from the pulpit.

“There are grave consequences for silence from America’s pulpits and inaction from the Church,” Dr. Wright added. “Look no further than today’s headlines to see the clear and present danger.”

Results of the survey are available at www.djameskennedy.org/pulpitsurvey.

To request an interview with Dr. Frank Wright about the D. James Kennedy Ministries 2020 Pulpit Survey, contact John Aman, Director of Communications, at j.aman@DJKM.org.

D. James Kennedy Ministries is a media outreach whose television programs, Truths That Transform and Coral Ridge Hour, air nationwide. It actively communicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the supremacy of His Lordship, and a Biblically informed view of the world.

CONTACT: John Aman, j.aman@DJKM.org

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