Blind Iraqi Refugee Has Memorized 87 Bible Chapters

AMMAN – Leading the Way, the ministry founded by Dr. Michael Youssef, has been partnering with ministries to Iraqi refugees in Jordan. Leading the Way is supplying local pastors with Navigator audio bibles pre-loaded with an Arabic New Testament as well as dual language Arabic and English Leading the Way sermons.

One local pastor said, “It is impossible to explain the effects these solar-powered Navigator audio Bible has had on people’s lives. Navigators tell them that “God has not and will not” forget them and their needs.

In one particularly moving story, ministry partners visited some of the recipients of the audio Bible in a poor section of Amman. There, in a what can only be described as an extremely humble dwelling, they met a blind man. He is not just an ordinary blind man. He is a blind man to whom the Lord has given sight.

What he cannot see with his physical eye cannot be compared to what he has heard and seen and learned and committed to heart with his spiritual eyes.

The visitors from Leading the Way had learned that this particular man was not simply listening to the Bible, but he was memorizing it. In fact, he was memorizing it in large portions. In fact, he was memorizing it portions much greater than “the average Christian.”

He has already memorized 87 chapters of the New Testament. There are 260 chapters in the New Testament, so this blind man has memorized slightly more than a third of the entire New Testament!

He is a personification of faith coming by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (See Romans 10:17).

The Navigator Pocket Missionary is a solar-powered audio bible that brings the life-giving words of the Bible and other teaching programs on audio to people all over the world in their own language!

The Navigator is an incredibly innovative and intuitive solar digital audio player. Cost effective and smaller than an iPhone, the 75g Navigator is lightweight and remarkably durable.

The intuitive raised-button keypad with four levels of navigation makes searching hundreds of hours of audio Bible content easy and accessible – even for the elderly or blind.

Research has shown that an average of 10 people listen to single, delivered Navigator audio Bible.

Personal observation is that one blind man who has come to love Jesus will tell even more people that Jesus loves them.

Leading the Way ministries is reaching people with Navigator audio Bibles. How many people are you reaching with the Word?


Video Source: YouTube

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