Chaplains Ministering to Hawaiians Who ‘Desperately Need’ Prayer

Residents of Lahaina on Hawaii are processing their loss after their city was devastated by wildfires, seeking strength through prayer

MAUI, HAWAII — Residents of Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii, are processing their heartache and loss after their city and surrounding neighborhoods were recently devastated by wildfires, seeking solace and strength through prayer.

Through tears, Carolyn shared her story with Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains. “The house I was raised in, that whole neighborhood is gone,” she said.

One chaplain stressed the Hawaii community’s need for continued prayer. “Things are really tough over here, so that’s what they really desperately need—your prayers.”

Father, we are called by you to go into the world and be the light and minister into love of people.

CarolynLahaina Native:

I was born and raised in Lahaina. I grew up off of Mala Wharf. The house I was raised in, that whole neighborhood is gone. This disaster really… It was something I never would have ever imagined would happen at this scale here in this small little town. There were several families where the parents were away at work and the children were at home in Lahaina. That… we don’t know how many made it. We can’t replace what’s been lost.

Wherever you are, wherever you see this, they can use your prayers. Things are really tough over here, so that’s what they really desperately need, your prayers.

About the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was developed by Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It has since grown into an international network of chaplains in the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia who are specifically trained to deal with crisis situations. They have deployed to more than 730 disaster sites across the globe, including shootings, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and tornadoes.

Read more on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, and Disaster Relief on Missions Box.


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