The Dragon at the End of the Silk Road

China has been disrupting the global economy. The dragon dancing in the streets is symbolic of the one at the eastern end of the Silk Road.

BEIJING – Barely six months ago, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIFR) identified its current Countries of Particular Concern (CPC). Sixteen of the CPC were ranked as Tier One, those of the most significant concern. Of those, committee member Gary Bauer said,“If we were going to rank the Tier 1 countries, China would be in a category all by itself [with] the level of persecution. They are an equal opportunity persecutor.”

Over the past year, Missions Box News has reported numerous times about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) increasingly intense controls over its citizens and particularly concerning Christians.

Now, respected Christian journalist, Dr. Michael Brown, has reported that “Things are worse than we imagined in China.” Although “Arrests, brutal interrogations, imprisonments, disruption of meetings, beatings, destroying of “unauthorized” Bible and Christian books are increasingly common,” the persecution of Christians is getting “increasingly severe.”

Brown cites four pieces of evidence of the intensified activities of the CCP.

The systematic attempt to purge the gospel from the nation

The party has been closing churches, imprisoning pastors and church members, and prohibiting the use and distribution of gospel literature. Even government-authorized Three-Self churches are beginning to face restrictions that had previously applied only to “unauthorized” house churches, including having sermons vetted in advance and monitored when presented. The CCP is in the process of rewriting the Bible so that it aligns with the party’s ideals.

The CCP is united in its control of the country.

Inside sources told Dr. Brown that the CCP is operating as a single, well-oiled, and synchronized unit at all levels under the leadership of President Xi. That unity is partially evidenced by last year’s amendment to the Chinese constitution that allows the president to rule indefinitely. He simultaneously presides over the CCP and the military – also indefinitely.

Support for the president appears to be unwavering.

It’s all about the economy.

The fastest-growing economy in the world has brought untold wealth to countless Chinese businessmen. The country has more than 300 billionaires, second only to the United States. That includes 21 of the richest 200 people in the world.

When the accumulation of wealth and a robust economy become the major driving forces, moral compasses begin failing at many levels. The preservation of wealth and the lifestyles it affords become far more important, at least initially, than living under a restrictive regime.

According to Brown, when the people “have more money in their pockets and more blue skies over their heads, they are all the more supportive of President Xi. In fact, my friend felt that if China went to war, people would enlist in the army en masse.

Business is booming, and the trains are running on time. It’s a good time to prevent anything or anyone from getting in the way.

The country is increasingly antagonistic.

Economic prosperity fuels the lust for power. China’s growth has been disrupting the global economy for more than two decades. It has not happened unintentionally.

The dragon dancing in the streets is symbolic of the one at the eastern end of the Silk Road. While one is dancing, the other is getting ready to roar. His name is not Pete or Puff, and he will not willingly be trained. Christians in China already know that.

To read more news on Christian Persecution on Missions Box, go here.

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