Crossover Global’s Church-Planting Initiatives

Each Crossover Global initiative is targeted to identified ethnic groups where millions of precious souls have never heard the Gospel

COLUMBIA, SC – Make no mistake about it. Jesus is building His church just as He promised. And Crossover Global is “partnering” with Him to reach the unreached and to plant self-sustaining churches that will also serve as bases from which the Gospel is spread and churches are multiplied.

Taking the Initiative

Crossover Global launched “Mission Moldova” in 1995. The goal was to plant five new churches. Within just four years, they had successfully established 11 active churches. That was just the beginning of what has been 25 years of strategic initiatives based on two distinctives.

  • Equipping and empowering cross-cultural missionary church planters who, in turn, equip and empower national followers of Christ to do the same.
  • Spreading the Gospel and planting churches through multiplication rather than addition.

Crossover Global intentional plants churches that intentionally plant other churches. The priority is to do so among the most unreached peoples.

Current Initiatives

Teams from Crossover Global are currently engaged in 10 distinct initiatives. They are:

  • The Azerbaijani Initiative. Only 0.11% of the 50 million Azerbaijani people know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • The Caucasus Initiative. Over eight million people comprised of 47 different ethnic groups live in the Caucasus Mountains. Most do not know Jesus.
  • The Central Asian Initiative. More than 84 million live in Central Asia, a place described by some as the “Black Hole” because of its remote and often-inaccessible geography.
  • The Ganges Initiative focuses on the nearly 2,300 ethnic groups living without Christ in the Ganges River Basin.
  • The Himalayan Initiative. Like the 84 million people in the Black Hole of Central Asia, 52 million people live in the high-altitude mountains of the Himalayas as some of the most isolated and, therefore, unreached people in the world.
  • The Indonesian Initiative needs more workers to reach more than 230 million people without the Gospel in more than 200 people groups.
  • The Levant Initiative seeks to reach 73 million Arab people, many of whom have been displaced because of wars.
  • The Maghreb Initiative is an outreach to the remote villages across the Sahara and North Africa that are home to more than 77 million people.
  • The Persian Initiative. More than 179 million Persian people around the world need to hear the Gospel. The majority of them live in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
  • The Turkish Initiative serves more than 60 million Turks, most of whom reside in Turkey and Germany. The Turkish Initiative grew out of a merger between Crossover Global and the Turkish World Outreach in 2013.

Lasting Impact

  • Mission Black Sea was launched in 2000. By 2008, the goal of planting 100 churches was reached.
  • In 2011, Crossover Global teams had exceeded their 2009 goal of establishing 25 new churches in Central Asia, having planted 58.
  • That same year, “Vision 2020” was launched with the goal of planting a total of 2,000 churches by the year 2020. The goal was reached in October 2019.
  • The group launched “Mission Impact” in 2019. The goal is to plant another 4,000 new multiplying churches by 2024.

Each Crossover Global initiative is targeted to identified ethnic groups where millions of precious souls have never heard the Gospel. The discipline of having and implementing a well-conceived, Biblically-based strategic model has opened the doors of 2,000 new churches over the past 20 years.

Learn more about the dynamic Crossover Global ministry by visiting their Facebook page.

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