FEBC Ukraine Continues Gospel Broadcasts Despite Conflict

FEBC Ukraine continues gospel broadcasts despite ongoing attacks from Russia and damages to FEBC Ukraine's studios

KYIV, UKRAINE — Even though two of FEBC Ukraine’s studios have been damaged by the attacks from the Russian invasion their presenters are finding all means possible to stay on air and broadcast a gospel message of hope across the country. Their senior broadcaster Pastor Sergey Nakul says they are seeing unprecedented opportunities to share the Gospel message to their listeners.

Just a few months ago FEBC Ukraine was celebrating the opening of their new studios in Kyiv, Ukraine.

However since the Russian invasion their staff has overcome overwhelming challenges to stay on air including damage to two of their seven Christian radio stations. But their senior broadcaster Pastor Sergey Nakul says they are seeing amazing miracles as they are able to continue their broadcasts across the country.

Thanks to the Lord, and this one of the miracles some of those radio stations were restored. And in spite of all of those problems that we had or have right now, our broadcasters are committed to our ministry. So we proclaim good news about Jesus at every place we are right now. So I’m in Kyiv, in our capital. Other broadcasters are in Western Ukraine or in different parts of Ukraine. But they are finding ways and they find new studios and they are using those facilities to proclaim Jesus right now. Because that’s extremely important in this time of disorientation, fear, calamity, and so on. And I can tell you that people are very open now.

And Sergey says their staff as well as himself are seizing unprecedented opportunities to share their faith in the midst of such despair in their country.

About FEBC

FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company, www.febc.org) was founded in 1945 to share the gospel in China. Today, more than 900 staff and 1,800 volunteers produce 842 hours of programming each day, broadcasting across Asia, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East and Africa. Programs in 124 languages air from 265 stations.

Read more news on Broadcasting Ministry, Ukraine, and Russia on Missions.

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