Flooding in North Korea



By Kok Leng Yeo from Singapore

Last August, North Korea was flooded. This was due to Typhoon Lionrock hitting the country.

Fox News reports, “Typhoon Lionrock, amplified by a low-pressure system in the region, created floods that submerged, severely damaged or destroyed 30,000 homes and displaced 70,000 people.” North Korea tried to get aid, only availing to recruit only a few aid agencies because of their controversial nuclear tests they held a few days before.

Robert King replied to an interview question by Voice of America, “the North’s provocative acts like the recent missile and nuclear test are making it difficult for international aid groups to raise funds for the recovery.”

Even their neighboring country, South Korea refuses to provide aid for the North.

According to NextShark, “’North Korea has not asked for help, and we don’t expect it to,’Jeong Joon-hee, a spokesman for the South’s Unification Ministry was quoted as saying. ‘Even if it does, I think, given the present situation, that the possibility of providing aid is low.’”

The only international aid organization that has agreed to bring relief to North Korea is the Red Cross.

Fox News reports, “The Red Cross is seeking $15.5 million to provide emergency assistance to the disaster zone over the next 12 months.”

North Korea is the worst persecutor of Christians in the world. This is mainly done through the government. Every year, Open Doors, a ministry that provides aid to those who are persecuted, comes out with a World Watch list for the worst persecutors in the world. North Korea has consistently been number one on the World Watch List. They see Christianity as conflicting the state religion.

Mission Network News explains, “For 14 years, we’ve ranked North Korea as the top persecutor of Christians [in Open Doors’ World Watch List], and it’s because there have been graphic acts of violence against Christians. It’s because Christians are particularly targeted by the government because this religion is seen as a direct conflict against worshiping, essentially, or fully dedicating the North Koreans themselves to the Kim dynasty.”

Please be in prayer for those affected by the flooding. Also, pray for all those who are persecuted in North Korea, that they would be bold.

Fox News: 1 month after floods, urgent aid needed in North Korea.

Voice of America: Amid Nuclear Tensions, North Korea Struggles to Secure Flood Aid

NextShark: Why South Korea Isn’t Sending Aid to Flood Devastated North Korea

Mission Network News: Gospel permeating the ironclad country






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