Gospel for Asia Pastor Gripped by News Accounts, Sets Out to Help

GOA, INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing the Gospel for Asia pastor Toshan and his wife who heard of the struggles people were facing due to the coronavirus lockdowns and how they decided to help. Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Pastor Gripped by News Accounts, Sets Out to Help

What’s the Best Way to Pray?

Prayer isn't all that complicated. Dr. KP Yohannan shares with us some invaluable insight he has learned through his many years of serving in the ministry.

What’s the Most Effective Way to Pray? There have been numerous books and sermons that have been published that claim to teach us how to pray. Some stipulate that we need more faith. Others say that we must follow a certain formula. Prayer is God’s designated way for us to communicate and speak with Him.… Continue reading What’s the Best Way to Pray?

Roderick Davis Quote

“Love is the root of missions; sacrifice is the fruit of missions.” —Roderick Davis, missionary to Kenya

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Oswald J. Smith Quote

“We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first.” — Oswald J. Smith  

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Robert Speer Missionary Quote

“There is nothing in the world or the Church—except the church’s disobedience—to render the evangelization of the world in this generation an impossibility.” —Robert Speer, leader in Student Volunteer Movement

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Randy Alcorn Quote

“The opportunities for using our financial resources to spread the gospel and strengthen the church all over the world are greater than they’ve ever been. As God raised up Esther for just such a time as hers, I’m convinced he’s going to raise us up, with all our wealth, to help fulfill the great commission.… Continue reading Randy Alcorn Quote

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Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims

A volunteer doctor at a health camp gives a check up to a victim of the Kerala flood.

The southern Indian state of Kerala was hit with severe rainstorms in August 2018, resulting in devastating floods. Thousands were driven from their homes. Hundreds lost their lives. Since the beginning, charities and NGOs have been at the forefront, running flood relief camps, donating resources, and raising money. The return to normalcy is still ongoing.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims

What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

David Mains and KP Yohannan standing in David's office in October, 1980.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a nonprofit founded in 1979 committed to serving “the least of these” in Asia. GFA supports national field workers who in turn bring the love of Christ to those living in rural and under-served areas. Whether it’s providing the opportunity for a brighter future for a child in Asia… Continue reading What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

Samuel Zwemer Quote

“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.” ― Samuel Zwemer, missionary to Muslims  

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Donating Blood, Saving Lives

A GFA-supported pastor set up a blood drive.

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastor Naitik organized a blood donation camp on April 12, 2018. The believers in his congregation were excited for this opportunity to bless those in need of blood and to show the love of Christ in a practical way. So when the Nepalese Red Cross heard that a pastor was trying… Continue reading Donating Blood, Saving Lives

The Wedding that Happened at a Flood Relief Camp

They fled their flooded homes but the rains could not stop their love. The rains came down incessantly causing severe flooding in southern Indian state of Kerala. Whole villages and towns were destroyed in a matter of days. Partnered with the Indian government, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported relief camps provided food, shelter, and basic supplies… Continue reading The Wedding that Happened at a Flood Relief Camp

The First Protestant Missionary to Korea: Robert Jermain Thomas

Many Koreans visit the church Robert Jermain grew up in.

In the face of death, Robert Jermain Thomas remained faithful in his mission to share the Good News with people of Korea even though it was not open to the Gospel. Life as a Student As Robert grew up, his relationship with the Lord thrived, being the son of a preacher. At the age of… Continue reading The First Protestant Missionary to Korea: Robert Jermain Thomas

Evangelism Tip #2: Pray

A Christian can do nothing without prayer. It is through prayer, that we abide in Christ and bear fruit. Without prayer, witnessing is in vain. Prayer prepares people’s hearts to receive the Word of God. Prayer makes us bold to share the Good News. Jesus said: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If… Continue reading Evangelism Tip #2: Pray

David Livingstone Quote

“The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet.” —David Livingstone, a missionary and pioneer to inland Africa.  

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GFA Launches Disaster Relief Effort to Aid Victims of ‘Grave’ Kerala Flooding

WILLS POINT, Texas  — GFA (Gospel for Asia) has issued an urgent appeal for help in responding to some of the worst flooding in almost a century that has claimed several hundred lives and displaced nearly a quarter of a million people in southern India. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers have already begun distributing emergency… Continue reading GFA Launches Disaster Relief Effort to Aid Victims of ‘Grave’ Kerala Flooding

The Nations Are Coming to Us

ChinaTown in New York

I travel at least once a month between where I live and where my parents live. Every once in a while, as I wait in airports, I see people who are foreigners and do not know the God who loves them. It really breaks my heart, because according to God’s Word, they’re heading to hell… Continue reading The Nations Are Coming to Us

Deny Yourself to Live

It was a momentous day for the Apostle Peter. He declared his faith that Jesus is the Messiah. The moment after, Jesus starts talking about His upcoming suffering, death and resurrection. All of a sudden, the momentous day for Peter takes a turn. He tells Jesus that he’ll never allow that to happen. Jesus rebukes… Continue reading Deny Yourself to Live

Prayer Requests for Afghanistan

Islam is the official state religion of Afghanistan. Source: Masoud Akbari

Imagine a country where you had to keep your faith silent for fear of being arrested. There are many people living in countries throughout the world that face this threat. Afghanistan is one of them. There are no churches, but mosques can be found on every street corner in the rugged and mountainous terrain of… Continue reading Prayer Requests for Afghanistan

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Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned

A lot of Indians are infuriated by the rapes that have happened lately. Source: Flickr

Imagine this: You have a teenage daughter who is brutally raped by a young man. After she tells you what happens, he kills her. Between May 5 to May 13, three Indian girls were raped and burned alive. The first victim was kidnapped by a group of men in Jharkhand while her parents were at… Continue reading Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned

A Year of Discipleship

Eveline learned how to love the Lord and others during her two-years at School of Discipleship.

Young adults ages 18–27 have the opportunity to go through a one- or two-year program called School of Discipleship (SD) with Gospel for Asia (GFA). In this program, students grow in their faith through prayer meetings and living in the community with fellow believers. “I have a better and deeper walk with the Lord and… Continue reading A Year of Discipleship

Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

Children are having food. Source: Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church served a hot, nutritious meal to 150 men and women working in a brick factory on International Workers’ Day, May 1, to encourage and show God’s love. Pastor Aapt and the leader of the local Women’s Fellowship, Chadna, led the food distribution. Many of the people in this area serve as laborers… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

Mission Work Is for Christians of All Ages

Missions is something everybody can get involved in, no matter what age they are.

The letters the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy were written to a young man. In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul writes, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” When a young person does something… Continue reading Mission Work Is for Christians of All Ages

More Than 300 People Rescued from Human Trafficking

Recently, Interpol rescued those who have been trafficked and arrested traffickers.

Al Jazeera, a Middle East news station, reports 350 people in the Caribbean and Latin America have been set free from human trafficking between April 3­­­–­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­9, and 22 people affiliated with the human trafficking, such as the ringleaders were arrested by Interpol, an international police organization. The operation was funded by Canada’s government and a… Continue reading More Than 300 People Rescued from Human Trafficking

Dr. KP Yohannan Shares How to Endure to the End

Run with endurance!

In our Christian life, enduring until the end is what it’s all about, not just starting well. The apostle Paul writes of Christians approaching their life as athletes training for the prize. In order to train to win, athletes must endure the long process that it takes to condition and improve. Sometimes it’s not easy to… Continue reading Dr. KP Yohannan Shares How to Endure to the End

Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

GFA sponsored missionaries pray for their ministries.

How should we pray for overseas missionaries and pastors? I  want to pray, but  what do they need?  This is a question that often crosses our minds when we hear of the adversity facing those who serve the Lord in areas that are volatilize and prone to hostility. Tamang is a pastor in South Asia who… Continue reading Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

President Xi Jingping's communist government in China eradicated term limits in China. Source: Angélica Rivera de Peña

Chinese president, Xi Jinping, got rid of term limits, the amount of time a person can spend in office, in the People Republic of China. Once this is in place, the president is able to stay in office as long as he wants. NPR reports, “The move represents a dramatic departure from rules that have… Continue reading Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Andrew Brunson, an American Pastor is in danger of spending life in prison if the US doesn't intervene. Source: Wheldon Boddy

American pastor Andrew Brunson has been in prison for 18 months in Turkey, accused of ties to an American terrorist. Pastor Brunson had been in Turkey for 20 years before his arrest, in which he was charged with plotting with terrorists for a coup, according to Fox News. He’s also been accused of helping a Kurdish… Continue reading Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

Many Christians in the past have escaped Syria. Now the Church is growing in the country. Source: Jan Smith.

Syrian Christians are part of one of the oldest churches in the world. They used to be one of the major political forces in Syria , until ISIS started coming after Christians because they believe in an all Islamic state, also known as a Caliphate. BBC explains, “The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled… Continue reading Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

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Instead of Judging, Let’s Carry Each Other’s Burdens

A believer in Asia smiles for the camera following a church service.

Dr. KP Yohannan:  “The Body of Christ is complete only because of differences.” Sometimes it may feel like there are so many differences in the church body—if only everyone shared the same understandings and experiences, perhaps then the conflicts would be resolved. However, the Bible affirms the differences that we might scorn. Paul writes in… Continue reading Instead of Judging, Let’s Carry Each Other’s Burdens

5 Women Killed in Russian Church Shooting

A gunman from ISIS shot at a congregation, killing five women. Source: Txllxt TxllxT

On Sunday, members of a Russian Orthodox church were celebrating the start of Lent when a gunman opened fire on the congregation. Fox News reports, “The shooting unfolded outside a church in Kizlyar, a town of about 50,000 people on the border with Chechnya. The Russian news agency TASS cited Svetlana Petrenko of the Investigative… Continue reading 5 Women Killed in Russian Church Shooting

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Voice of the Martyrs Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

This is the book Richard Wurmbrand wrote after being released from prison.

In October 1967, Richard Wurmbrand wrote a book called Tortured for Christ, which marked the beginning of Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry which seeks to equip those who are persecuted to share Christ’s love with those around them. Tortured for Christ is the account of Wurmbrand’s life in Communist Romania at the time of… Continue reading Voice of the Martyrs Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

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God’s Faithfulness Shown Through Village Pastor

Pastor Barasaat shares a message with a gathering of believers.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget the faithfulness of God. Gospel for Asia (GFA) supports thousands of missionaries and pastors each month in Asia. Sometimes these men and women work for years in the same region before they are met with progress. Meet Barasaat, a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-sponsored Pastor who has served the… Continue reading God’s Faithfulness Shown Through Village Pastor

300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

300 children soldiers have been released in South Sudan.

On Feb. 7, more than 300 children in South Sudan were released from being child soldiers. Al Jazeera news network reports, “The 311 children, including 87 girls, will now begin reintegrating into their communities, the UN mission in the country (UNMISS) said in a statement on Wednesday.” These children lost their innocence at a very… Continue reading 300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

Missions is Sharing

A GFA-supported pastor prays for a believer in his church.

We’ve all heard this phrase: Sharing is caring.  But could sharing be more than that? And how does sharing tie into the Christian principal of love? Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of the nonprofit Gospel for Asia (GFA) explains, Caring is sharing. Loving is sharing. Missions are shared. The whole purpose of the Church in this world can be… Continue reading Missions is Sharing

Scottish Soccer (Football) Player Taunted Over Depression

David Cox, a Scottish football player, has been taunted by both fans and fellow players for revealing his battle with depression. The Scotsman reports, “David Cox, who plays for League Two side Cowdenbeath, said he had been called a ‘psycho’ and taunted about ‘slitting his wrists’ during matches.” David Cox has reported the cases to… Continue reading Scottish Soccer (Football) Player Taunted Over Depression

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Rohingya Being Sent Back to Myanmar from Bangladesh

The Rohingya people are being deported back to Bangladesh.

The Rohingya who escaped to Bangladesh to flee violence from the military are being deported and sent back to Myanmar in the next two years. According to BBC, “Myanmar has agreed to accept 1,500 Rohingya each week, Bangladesh says, adding that it aims to return all of them to Myanmar within two years.” The United… Continue reading Rohingya Being Sent Back to Myanmar from Bangladesh

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Dr. KP Yohannan: Choose to Trust God at His Word

GFA-sponsored missionaries are gathered in prayer.

“We need to leap into the hands of God and trust Him to carry us.” Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of the nonprofit GFA (Gospel for Asia) gives encouragement and encourages us to trust and expect great things from God. Sometimes it can seem intimidating to step out of our comfort zones and expect miracles. But… Continue reading Dr. KP Yohannan: Choose to Trust God at His Word

Why We Need Matt Damon’s Clean Water Super Bowl Commercial

Matt Damon and Water.org partnering in Super Bowl commercial for water

On Super Bowl Sunday, in a commercial by an alcohol beverage company, Matt Damon promised that if people purchased a chalice, $3 of the $13 purchase would go to benefit communities in need with clean water for five years. Stella Artois is doing this in partnership with Water.org. NPR released an article on February 2… Continue reading Why We Need Matt Damon’s Clean Water Super Bowl Commercial

Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia

A woman uses a GFA sponsored toilet, which eliminates the shame and stigma that comes with open defecation.

Texas-based nonprofit GFA (Gospel for Asia) constructs more than 10,000 toilets and sanitation facilities throughout Asia. Open defecation, though rarely addressed, is still a pressing issue for those living below the poverty line in Asia. According to the World Health Organization, over 650 million people in India alone do not have access to a toilet.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia

Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding

A GFA-supported missionary in prayer.

Respond to others with compassion and understanding, says Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of GFA (Gospel for Asia). As humans, we often lack compassion and understanding when dealing with those around us. Even as Christians, it can be difficult to respond to others with the same love Jesus did. Yohannan recalls that he used to preach… Continue reading Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding

Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters

When Christians today think of well-known pastors or missionaries, they mention names like Billy Graham, Jim Elliot, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Joel Osteen, Matt Chandler, Rick Warren or John Piper. Most people would not list George Verwer nor would they even recognize his name. As it turns out, that’s probably just the way George Verwer… Continue reading Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters

K. P. Yohannan

Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is… Continue reading K. P. Yohannan

AWANA Cofounder, Art Rorheim, Dies at Age 99

Arthur Reynold Rorheim

Heaven’s doors opened on January 5, 2018, to receive AWANA Cofounder, Art Rorheim. He was 99 at the time of his passing. Rorheim collaborated with Lance Latham to create and establish the AWANA as a youth and children’s ministry in a Chicago church in 1950. The ministry concept was based on a paraphrase of II… Continue reading AWANA Cofounder, Art Rorheim, Dies at Age 99

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