GEM – Greater Europe Mission

With so many faith-based organizations focusing on the 10/40 Window across sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, we rarely hear about the relatively few that are committed to spreading the Gospel throughout Europe. Europe is at the heart of GEM, Greater Europe Mission. They might even be tempted to borrow the old colloquialism, “Europe is our middle name!”

MONUMENT, CO – With so many faith-based organizations focusing on the 10/40 Window across sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, we rarely hear about the relatively few that are committed to spreading the Gospel throughout Europe. Europe is at the heart of GEM, Greater Europe Mission. They might even be tempted to borrow the old colloquialism, “Europe is our middle name!”

Europe is a difficult place to describe, regardless of the context. Spiritually, some have called it “the prodigal continent” or “so post-Christian that it is pre-Christian.” The 47 member nations in the European Commission are markedly different in “political history, language, religious heritage, cultural identity, climate, proximity, regional variation, political vision, economy, geography, [and] industry.”

Regardless of how it came to be, the continent upon which the seeds of the Reformation were sown has become a field of wheat and tares, indistinguishable by even the highly-regarded Pew Research Group. Their 2017 report, “Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe,” indicated that a majority of Europeans self-professed as Christians. Nonetheless, a median average of 10 percent of those surveyed said that they attended church weekly. Fewer than two percent claim a personal relationship with Christ.

GEM staff and missionaries share a passion for revival in Europe. With the massive influx of refugees in recent years, the field is becoming full of Middle Eastern and African immigrants who continue to suffer as they attempt to establish themselves and their families in unfamiliar surroundings. Missions organizations like GEM are positioned to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the refugees who seek refuge from war, famine, rape, and murder.

GEM believes the Lord will use strategic movements that combine prayer and practical ministry to change the spiritual landscape of an ever-changing Europe. The group’s vision is for God to expand His kingdom to the world by discipling the people in Europe.

In addition to training and sending missionaries from the U.S. and the UK, GEM has begun to establish a new network of partner organizations in the Focus Cities of Birmingham, Frankfurt, and Athens.

The task is monumental, but GEM has 16 distinct opportunities for both training and ministry, including, Administration and Logistics, Business as Mission, Children and Family, Church Planting, Community Development, Construction and Refurbishment, Discipleship and Evangelism, Teaching English,* Muslim Ministry, Prayer Teams, Social Justice and Anti-Trafficking, Sports, Technology and Media, and Youth and Campus Ministries.

GEM boldly accepts and proclaims that “discipleship and evangelism are the bread and butter of missions.” Regardless of the day-to-day tasks of each team member, everyone is committed to share the Good News, disciple believers, and walk alongside them as they become the next generation of disciple-makers.

GEM’s invitation is:

Come to Europe, go on an adventure with God, and give your life away to see the Great Commission fulfilled!”

*GEM currently has more than 1,000 paid positions for teachers of English as a first or second language.

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