Gospel for Asia Among 9 Faith-Based NGOs Fighting the World Water Crisis

Gospel for Asia is honored to have been included in Beliefnet’s recently published list of the 10 Faith-Based Nonprofits Fighting the World Water Crisis.


WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) is honored to have been included in Beliefnet’s recently published list of nine Faith-Based Nonprofits Fighting the World Water Crisis.

It doesn’t take long when ministering within developing nations to learn how personal the world water crisis is for people who have little or no access to clean water.

More than 150 million people around the world, primarily in South Asia and Africa, long for a sustained source of clean water. These people must walk miles every day simply to secure water. To make matters worse, surface water—any water drawn directly from a lake, pond, stream or river—is almost always their only source and is frequently contaminated.

The water families in water-crisis zones desperately retrieve for drinking, cooking and washing is a far cry from what we want to use for our daily water needs. We are fortunate that our drinking water goes through filtration plants that remove contaminants and disease-causing micro-organisms. The simple truth is this: Families in Asia or Africa don’t want to drink murky, sludgy water any more than we do. But millions globally are desperate for water, “the elixir of life,” and they will take whatever they can obtain.

Unfortunately, what they can get is all too often deadly. “More than half a million children die each year from diarrhoeal diseases—caused by unsafe drinking water.”

Areas of Extreme Crisis

Multiple countries have been, and are now, facing extreme water crises.

In 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, was on the verge of being entirely without water and was compelled to enforce strict rationing to preserve dwindling reservoirs.

Currently, millions of people in the area of Chennai, India, have lost all sources of the surface water upon which the entire population depends. Tanker trains are filled with clean water more than 100 miles away, then they transport it to stations in Chennai where it is rationed and distributed to a thirsty populace.

Our Water Mission

Since 2000, Gospel for Asia (GFA) donors have enabled the organization to drill thousands of Jesus Wells throughout South Asia. The wells are placed free of charge in villages where the need for clean water is great and access is nonexistent. Some of the wells reach down as far as 600 feet underground to ensure the wells do not run dry during summer. Local GFA-supported workers invite every villager to drink clean water freely in the name of Jesus. In 2018, Gospel for Asia (GFA) helped install 4,712 Jesus Wells across Asia.

In 2018 alone, Gospel for Asia (GFA) also provided more than 11,000 Biosand Water Filters to individual families to remedy the clean water crisis in areas where only dirty, contaminated water is available.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) is honored to be named an advocate for clean water along with World Vision, Generosity.org, Blood-Water, Lifewater International, The Water Project, Water Mission, Living Water International, and The Last Well.

To read more news on the World Water Crisis on Missions Box, go here.


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