GFA-Supported Pastors & Students Bring Awareness on World AIDS Day

GFA pastors and missionaries undertook to assist and encourage the boys and educate them about the HIV infection in conjunction with World AIDS Day.

Missions Box News recently published a report about GFA-supported pastors and missionaries who had visited an orphanage in which all 28 boys have lost their parents to AIDS and are themselves infected with the dread disease. The pastors and missionaries undertook this effort to assist and encourage the boys and educate them about the HIV infection in conjunction with World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day is observed annually on December 1.

This ministry of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers raising awareness is critical because in at least one South Asian country, 2.1 million cases of AIDS were recorded in 2017. That’s an incident rate that is almost 17 times higher than the more publicized incidents of leprosy.

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers are radically compassionate for the suffering and needy in Asia, regardless of whom those people are or the cause of their suffering.

During an AIDS awareness program, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastors instructed those in attendance about facts related to the disease, how to avoid getting it, and how to treat infected people with love and compassionate care.

The pastor and 25 believers participated in an AIDS awareness rally that was so well received that a local television channel broadcasted coverage of the event.

The doctor who is head of the AIDS department in one region complimented the church for “doing a great job” and expressed commitment in helping the church in similar efforts.

These events are intended to inform people of the problems of AIDS and how to be free from them. They also provide an opportunity to inform them of the problems of sin and how to be free from them as well. Church members distributed 500 tracts along with AIDS awareness booklets to the villagers to help them discover new life, both now and for all of eternity.

To read more news on HIV on Missions Box, go here.


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