Gospel for Asia Supported Workers Make a Difference on International Women’s Day

GFA-supported workers observed International Women’s Day by providing women with opportunities that will help them thrive in every aspect of life.

ASIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers observed International Women’s Day across Asia on March 8 by providing women with opportunities that will help them thrive in every aspect of life.

National workers inaugurated new tailoring classes to provide vocational skills for underprivileged women. The classes will teach women how to successfully operate a business using newly acquired skills.

They also established new literacy centers; provided health care and personal hygiene lessons for women living in rural areas where the residents are generally unaware of causes and prevention of diseases common among Asian families; and distributed food, clothing, household utensils and other practical items to hundreds of underprivileged women in slum and remote villages.

Former Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, once noted,

“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women.”

That being true, you can improve the condition of a nation—and of the world—by doing things that teach and empower women to rise above their current status. Doing that is part of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers ministry—not only on International Women’s Day but every day.

To read more news on the plight of underprivileged women on Missions Box, go here.

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