God Moving Through OM Teams Despite Covid-19

Despite the challenges surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic OM missions team across the world are finding unprecedented opportunities for the Gospel.

UNITED KINGDOM — Despite the challenges and restrictions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic Operation Mobilisation (OM) missions team across the world are finding unprecedented opportunities and openness to share and demonstrate the Gospel.

All over the world, people are desperately seeking aid and answers. In response OM workers are bringing relief, hope and the love of Jesus in the midst of such uncertain times.

OM workers serving around the world share their hearts in the midst of Covid-19:

Living in lockdown is scary and it feels like you’re living in the unknown unsure of what’s going to happen next.

There is a lot of pain and anxiety going on around us.

There’s been a lot of fear and a lot of questing because just like governments around the world. I mean our government just doesn’t know. Health professional don’t know.

Suddenly you just feel okay what is my purpose right now?

Just because the world has come to a halt that doesn’t mean God has come to a halt.

We’ve really just been experiencing God’s love and His care for us during this time.

As it says in Psalm 46 He’s a refuge so when everything else is declining and slipping He’s a strong tower we can run to.

So we’re still in the middle of a situation where people are scared we can be a source of peace to them and encouragement to them.

This has been the greatest season of ministry in our lives. I think it’s been the greatest season of renewal spiritually in my own life.

I just want to say yes to how He’s moving.

It has inspired me to reach out to some people. Sending a care package, groceries or a meal.

In different villages we were giving awareness of Covid-19 providing food packs and hygiene kits to them.

We can collect them up and distribute to the people we are serving.

Also had opportunities on video calls to pray for people who don’t know Jesus yet.

Who don’t normally come to Bible studies and joining our online studies.
They were crying and just so overwhelmed.

And He also opened a lot of ministry among Muslim women. Three in the last ten days have accepted the Lord over Skype.

All five families were sick and shielded and all five families have accepted Jesus.

This has not taken God by surprise. God is still in control.

We will see much fruit come from this time even when we didn’t think we could do much.

It’s like in the moment of crisis you are still you and we’re seeing a lot of lives radically changed.

I know that He’s still moving.

He still there, He didn’t forget us.

God is still moving.

He is still at work.

I know the God that I trust and I know that He is capable of doing great things out of this situation.

I’m waiting then. I’m waiting.

God is still working so we will too. Together we can continue to bring faith, hope and love.

Read more news on Disaster Relief and COVID 19 Pandemic on Missions Box.

GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus

About Operation Mobilisation

Operation Mobilisation (OM) started in the summer of 1957 when George Verwer and two friends sold their possessions to raise money for a trip to distribute Christian literature in Mexico. From this first trip, the small team began to share their vision to mobilise Christians from around the world to reach the nations. As hundreds of Christians responded, the Operation Mobilisation movement was born.

Today, over 3,300 OM workers, representing over 100 nationalities, are bringing God’s love and truth to millions every year.


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