How ‘All God’s Children’ Fights Human Trafficking

Without some kind of caring intercession, these children are among the most vulnerable to human trafficking - which All God's Children is working to prevent

VANCOUVER, WA – You may be astounded to learn that 8,000,000 children around the world are institutionalized. You might be doubly disturbed to learn that many of them are warehoused in rooms filled with cribs in facilities euphemistically called orphanages. Many of these precious children receive no comfort, care, therapy, education, and, most importantly, love. All God’s Children, a nonprofit, faith-based organization was founded in 1991 with a mission to create lasting change in the system, prepare children for life outside the institutions, and create pathways to life in a loving home with a caring, forever family. You may be surprised to learn that orphans are typically trapped in a traumatic cycle that can destroy or shorten their entire life. Without some kind of caring intercession, these children are among the most vulnerable to poverty, sickness, addictions, abuse, and the scourge of human trafficking – this is exactly what All God’s Children is working to prevent.

Children who “age out” of these institutions are

  • 10 times more likely than others to become involved in prostitution.
  • 40 times more likely than others to have a criminal record.
  • 500 times more likely to commit suicide.

The Cycle of an Orphan

A family is in crisis. They are forced to place their daughter in an orphanage – The broken child-welfare system fails the little girl at every turn – She “ages out” at 15 – She turns to drugs and/or prostitution – She becomes pregnant – She is forced to place her own child in an institution – and the cycle begins again.

Breaking the Cycle

All God’s Children establishes Child Advocacy Centers designed to empower local leaders to build a better system. One in which the children are the priority. There are five segments of their holistic approach.

  1. Prevention – Working to help families stay together.
  2. Provision – Creating family-like care for children who are institutionalized.
  3. Placement – Uniting children with loving “forever families” both domestically and internationally.
  4. Preparation – Providing the support and tools older orphans need to prevent them from being vulnerable after aging out.
  5. Advocation – Changing the broken child welfare systems that have been failing the innocent children trapped in the Cycle of an Orphan.

Making a Difference

All God’s Children’s approach is making a difference in 10 countries around the globe. Over 1,500 families have been preserved in Ethiopia through AGCI’s Education Sponsorship Program. More than 3,500 women and children in Guatemala have been given counseling, education, and economic support through AGCI’s Community Development Program. Similar progress is being made in Bulgaria, Burundi, China, Columbia, Haiti, and the Philippines.

Currently, All God’s Children is collaborating with the U.S. Department of State to make inroads into nine additional countries.

Each one of God’s children is created in His image. He knows and loves every one of them. He understands their hearts and their heartaches. He wants them to know about His love. These are a few of the reasons why All God’s Children cares and continues to be motivated to accomplish great things for the children in Jesus’ name.

Read more news on Human Trafficking and Faith Based Organizations on Missions Box.


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