Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available

GFA offers a way to reconsider our perspective on Christmas through its Christmas Gift Catalog theme “Celebrate Christ and Transform Lives.”

WILLS POINT, TX – Christmas is coming. Once again we have the opportunity to share the love of God by giving gifts to help people living in desperate need, just like the Lord sent His Son to rescue us all from our desperate spiritual need.

The Courier and Ives version of Christmas is an over-the-river-and-through-the-woods sleigh ride to grandmother’s Victorian-style house where we celebrate family and good times.

The 21st-century American version is a sprint from Black Friday and Cyber Monday to find the best deals on gifts for the family that satisfy cravings stimulated by television commercials and online advertising. It is also open season for debates about keeping Christ in Christmas.

Now would be a good time to remember that without Christ there would be no Christmas.

Now would be a good time to rethink how we celebrate how the Lord sent His Son to save us from fear and death (Hebrews 2:15) and bring us into a loving relationship with Him.

Now would be a good time to consider changing our paradigm of Christmas, approaching it in a way that reaches out to others and that accurately demonstrates God’s love during the entire season.

Perhaps the best way to emulate what the Lord did for us is to sacrifice self in a way that provides life-giving hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless – to minister, as it were, to those who feel invisible.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) offers a way to reconsider our perspective on Christmas through its Christmas Gift Catalog. The theme of this year’s catalog is “Celebrate Christ and Transform Lives.” As Dr. K.P. Yohannan has said,

This Christmas we have the incredible joy of being His hands and feet to the suffering in our generation through these simple gifts of love.

In his introductory letter at the beginning of the 36-page catalog, Dr. Yohannan explains that

Every Christmas, people around the world are experiencing the blessing of helping families meet basic needs the couldn’t possibly meet before. In 2017, more than 234,000 people in Asia received gifts like those in this catalog.

You can be a part of honoring Christ this Christmas by sharing His love and grace with even more people.

The catalog provides believers with 34 distinctly different opportunities to provide life-changing gifts for the health and welfare of the poor in South Asia. The gifts range from as little as $10 for much-need mosquito nets or $11 for blankets to provide warmth from the cold.

Readers will discover that the catalog offers multiple opportunities to give farm animals, sewing machines, vocational training, pull carts, and even rickshaws that help the recipients improve the quality of their lives and help them earn a living.

The catalog also provides the opportunity to support Gospel for Asia (GFA) ministries by giving ministry tools from Gospel tracts (200 for a gift of one dollar) to vehicles to church buildings. There are also opportunities to pledge monthly or annual sponsorships for national missionaries, the Mission Support Team in Wills Point, and the Bridge of Hope program.

Can’t think of a special gift for a family member or friend? Consider giving a gift in that person’s name to someone in South Asia who is in need and will be grateful for whatever they receive.

Click here to receive your FREE copy of the 2018 GFA Christmas Catalog.

Click here to view the GFA Christmas catalog online.

To read more on the GFA Christmas Gift Catalog, go here.

Source: Gospel for Asia, GFA Christmas Gift Catalog

1 comment

  1. Hello we are a family of five four small children and I as of 2 years ago have become a single mother and would like to reach out to resources to find out if there’s any help for Christmas presents for my babies

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