International Needs Is Transforming Communities

International Needs offer economic empowerment, refugee relief, education, health, sanitation, spread of the Gospel, in 17 countries

HUDSONVILLE, MI – The website of International Needs poses some interesting questions.

What would happen if you had no access to safe drinking water?

What if your children had no opportunity to attend school?

We know that hundreds of millions of people around the world face these questions every day. But, the questions take on an entirely different dimension when we ask what we would do if faced with them.

Americans are already afraid that their children are on the verge of having no opportunity to attend school as actions are imposed in attempts to thwart the spread of the COVID-19 virus. That concern, along with business closures, the loss of income, the inability to pay rent and mortgages, and isolating in place, is flooding average American households with the growing fear of, “What would happen if . . .?”

Some Americans, such as those who live in the infamous “Tornado Alley,” have realized over the last decade what would happen if a tornado struck their home. The residents of Greenwood, Kansas; Pierce City, Missouri; and Picher, Oklahoma have experienced “what would happen” over the past two decades when their entire towns were destroyed.

Life as they had known it had been spun out of control as residents face a new normal—no running water. No school. No electricity. No homes. No food. Suddenly, and without warning, they were thrust into a struggle for survival.

It wasn’t just one or two families who suffered. It was entire towns. For a short time – speaking in terms of months – they experienced a taste of what life is like for communities in developing countries where anxiety, fear, and desperation rule each day.

They quickly realized that, without the aid of others, they were entirely helpless. And they had to focus on survival. They understood firsthand that

“When people don’t have to worry about these most basic needs, they are able to thrive. They’re able to explore life and bound forward without worry. They’re able to pursue the dreams the Lord has laid upon their hearts and bless their whole community.”

Jeff Johnson, the founder of International Needs, realized that impoverished communities could thrive by equipping and empowering the people who live in them in ways that specifically address the needs of the entire village.

There has been a tendency to follow a pattern of “each one win one” in global missions. While this method has merit, the template of cooperating with local leaders to transform village life may have a more dramatic impact in reaching people for Christ.

After all, the Lord instructed His disciples to go into all “ethnos” and teach them the things He had taught them. “Ethnos” does not refer to individuals, but to a group (or multitude) of people who are associated with each other or living together as a group or community.

International Needs ministers and collaborates with other like-minded entities in 17 countries to offer economic empowerment, relief for refugees, education, health & sanitation, and, most importantly, to spread the Gospel. Their mission is accomplished by equipping local people to reach other local people for Christ. At International Needs,

Every interaction is an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Every program builds value in a community.

Every project meets a need while ministering to hearts.

International Needs is committed to meet the most basic needs of the people in the communities where they serve. That is why there is a third question on the International Needs website.

What if you had never heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ?

Lest we forget, knowing Jesus Christ is mankind’s most basic need.

Learn more about International Needs, their ministries, and their impact at

Read more news on Faith Based Organizations, World Missions and the COVID 19 Pandemic.

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