MAF Couple Celebrates 15 years of Flying Ministry

Christian couple from south of England completed 15 years of flying ministry relief work with the world’s largest humanitarian airline MAF

KAMPALA, UGANDA – A Christian couple from the south of England have completed 15 years of flying ministry relief work with the world’s largest humanitarian airline Mission Aviation Fellowship. Greg and Jill Vine look back on what’s inspired them as they’ve worked with MAF during that time both in Chad and Uganda.

Jill and Greg Vine – a couple working in Uganda with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) – a humanitarian air service which flies to more destinations than any other airline –recently celebrated 15 years of service with the ministry. Greg is a MAF pilot and Jill is their Communications Officer based in Kampala.

Their highlight has been seeing the impact of the many ministry teams they’ve helped to transport to some of the hardest to reach places.

Greg Vine, MAF Uganda PIlot:

“It’s always really exciting to see what people are doing. To see how it’s impacting people on the ground. There are a good proportion of the people that we fly who are very expressive about how grateful they are to be able to fly, to be safer, to be quicker, to be more effective. It’s extremely rewarding for me.”

Jill Vine, MAF Uganda Communications Officer:

“I’ve also seen the transformation that happens through the people that we fly. So that’s been a very positive aspect of what MAF takes part in. We don’t actually do the work on the ground. But we fly the people that do the incredible work. And they are incredible saints that we fly every single day and so we get to meet the most amazing people who fly with us.”

Greg concluded by sharing how they plan to continue to fulfil MAF’s vision to enable many more ministries to make a difference throughout Uganda.

And every four minutes, a MAF plane takes off or lands in 26 developing countries, flying help, hope and healing to some of the remotest places on earth.

Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations and World Missions.

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