Open Doors Helps Fadi who fled Boko Haram in Cameroon Several Times

CAMEROON — Fadi is a Christian from Cameroon who has been repeatedly displaced from her home by Boko Haram violence – but has now received much-needed emergency aid from Open Doors partners.

FadiCameroon Christian:

“When I was in my village Barawa in 2013 Boko Haram came to attack our village. They came by the night. They killed many people and burnt our churches. So that we fled to this village Vreket in Cameroon.”

Fadi is a Christian from the Far North region of Cameroon, where violent attacks by Islamic extremists have displaced her from her home not just onece, but several times.


“In Vreket they came again by the night. They burnt all the houses of the people. They carried off many properties of the people. So we fled to another village, Laoudzaf. They followed us and they kidnapped many people – like ladies. So we fled to Zeleved in 2015 in October. They came by the night again. They came and burnt the churches. They killed – even, I cannot count the people that they have killed there.”

For Fadi, and many Christians like her, the threat of attacks by night was so constant that they began sleeping not at home, but in the mountains above the village.


“We can pass the nights in the mountains. In the morning, we came home and went to work on the farm. But at night, we would go to the forest for us to get sleep there.”

But even during the day, villages have been assaulted and kidnapped as they farmed their land. Tragically, Fadi’s youngest sister was among those taken by Boko Haram in 2015.


“Her name was Vusa. She was 14 years when they kidnapped her. She went to the farm with her friends. She did not return back among them. Some people say they have killed her – they did not leave her alive. Some people say they can’t kill a young lady like that – they will just marry her as their wife. When my mother heard this information she did not know what to say. After two weeks she died. She just got hypertension and she died.”

Fadi now lives in yet another town, Koza, which is where Open Doors partners recently found her. And earlier in 2021, she was among those who received much-needed emergency aid.


“I got rice, fish and a bucket, soap and corn, a mat and wrapper and vegetable oil. All these things, I am surprised for getting these things in my life today. Especially this wrapper. It is two years ago today since I got a new wrapper like this. I am very, very happy.
“I need God to stay with me in every situation to work His wonderful power in my life.”

About Open Doors USA

For more than 60 years, Open Doors USA has worked in the world’s most oppressive and restrictive countries for Christians. Open Doors works to equip and encourage Christians living in dangerous circumstances with the threat of persecution and to mobilize the Western church to pray and advocate for the persecuted. Christians are one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world and are oppressed in at least 60 countries. For more information, visit

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