Bible School Trains Thousands in Vietnam

VIETNAM— Thirty years ago, Pastor Barnabas* set up a secret Bible school in Vietnam with the help of Open Doors partners. Since then, he’s helped to train thousands of Christians in Vietnam who have gone on to share the gospel in their communities! Pastor Barnabas* – name changed for security reasons: I don’t have any… Continue reading Bible School Trains Thousands in Vietnam

Crackdown of Christians in Hong Kong Spreading

CHINA— The persecution of Christians in mainland China is now spreading to Hong Kong, warns Release International, which serves the persecuted Church around the world.   A new law could force Catholic priests in Hong Kong to reveal the secrets of the confessional. Partners of UK-based Release International say the British government has a responsibility… Continue reading Crackdown of Christians in Hong Kong Spreading

Coptic Solidarity to Host 12th Annual Conference Discussing Hate Based on Religion

WASHINGTON —Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C., June 13-14. This leading policy event unites legislators, academics, policy professionals, and activists to discuss the situation of human rights and democracy for Copts in Egypt as well as other indigenous minorities in the region. The Policy… Continue reading Coptic Solidarity to Host 12th Annual Conference Discussing Hate Based on Religion

The Voice of the Martyrs Recognizes Christians Persecuted by ISIS

BARTLESVILLE, OK — Christians around the world will observe Day of the Christian Martyr on June 29, 2024, which according to church tradition, marks the anniversary of the Apostle Paul’s beheading in Rome. VOM is honoring Christians persecuted in Mosul, Iraq for Day of the Christian Martyr on June 29. In the summer of 2014,… Continue reading The Voice of the Martyrs Recognizes Christians Persecuted by ISIS

Senior Church Leader in Eritrea Dies in Prison

ERITREA — Senior church leader was arrested without charge and jailed without ever going to trial. And now he has died behind bars in prison in Eritrea, the country some describe as the North Korea of Africa. Andrew Boyd of Release International reports on the life and death of one of the leading figures in… Continue reading Senior Church Leader in Eritrea Dies in Prison

Guadalupee and the Lawyer in Mexico who Helped Him

MEXICO— José Alfredo is a lawyer in Mexico who helps Christians like Guadalupe, who was threatened with expulsion by his indigenous community, to understand their legal rights and settle disputes so that they can continue to worship God freely and without fear. Gaudalupe – Mexico: Since we follow Christ who saved us, they harass us,… Continue reading Guadalupee and the Lawyer in Mexico who Helped Him

Church Members Return after Militant Attack in Central African Republic

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC — In March 2023, a militant Muslim group attacked Pastor Samuel’s* village in southern Central African Republic (CAR). Most of the Christians – including Pastor Samuel – fled. But through support and prayers from Christian charity Open Doors, he and many of his church have returned to rebuild their lives. Gérard* –… Continue reading Church Members Return after Militant Attack in Central African Republic

Simin, a Christian Imprisoned for Leading a Church in Iran

IRAN —Islam and the regime in Iran have destroyed the identity of women,” says Simin*, a Christian in the Middle East who participated in a training by Open Doors on discipleship. Today, in addition to helping other women overcome the pain of persecution, she also prepares them to serve God When Simin decided to follow… Continue reading Simin, a Christian Imprisoned for Leading a Church in Iran

Egypt Churches Hit by Violent Protests

EGYPT — Last month during Holy week in Egypt local Christians in two villages came under attack during violent protests by Islamist extremists to prevent the construction of a church building. In response a team from the Christian ministry Help The Persecuted went to provide much-needed support for these believers who were grappling with the… Continue reading Egypt Churches Hit by Violent Protests

American Missionary Couple, Haitian Mission Director Killed by Gangs in Haiti

American missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd were killed in Haiti. (Photo via Ben Baker/Facebook)

HAITI — Three people, a Haitian man and an American couple who all worked for a Christian mission organization, were killed by gang members near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Thursday night (May 23). The group had reportedly been kidnapped earlier in the evening after leaving a youth event hosted at a church. Natalie and Davy Lloyd… Continue reading American Missionary Couple, Haitian Mission Director Killed by Gangs in Haiti

Pastor Imprisoned in Vietnam Thanks God for The Persecution

VIETNAM —To avoid being imprisoned, Pastor Foom spent two days hiding in the mountains near his village. However, in the end they caught him. In 2002, Pastor Foom Chao opened his eyes after the prayer. At the alarming scene of the police waiting to arrest him, he was arrested for taking Bibles to the jungles… Continue reading Pastor Imprisoned in Vietnam Thanks God for The Persecution

Churches in Occupied Ukraine Face Increasing Persecution

UKRAINE — Hundreds of churches have been forced to close in the occupied territories of Ukraine by Russian troops and there are reports that at least 70 pastors have been killed. In response Christian charity Mission Eurasia is providing support to the churches that have remained open in the region. As the war in Ukraine… Continue reading Churches in Occupied Ukraine Face Increasing Persecution

Persecuted Iranian Plumber Finds New Hope Through Help The Persecuted Enduring Livelihoods Business

IRAN —When persecuted Iranian plumber *Hamid was forced to flee his home country of Iran he struggled to find work in the new country he moved to with his family. However Christian ministry Help The Persecuted helped him start his own plumbing business through their Enduring Livelihoods initiative. Not only is this enabling him to… Continue reading Persecuted Iranian Plumber Finds New Hope Through Help The Persecuted Enduring Livelihoods Business

Pakistan Church Severely Damaged in Violent Attack

PAKISTAN —Last summer violent mob attacks on churches in the Punjab province in Pakistan hit the headlines. Sadly attacks like these are continuing. Recently another church was severely damaged when Islamist mobs poured caustic chemicals on a church and set it aflame. However Help The Persecuted was quick to respond by providing emergency support to… Continue reading Pakistan Church Severely Damaged in Violent Attack

Facing Rejection in Nepal After Choosing Christ

NEPAL — Pramila* has faced rejection by her family and her husband in Nepal several times since becoming a Christian, but she won’t let go of her faith in Jesus. But she has received support from Open Doors to move on with her life including help to start her own shop. Pramila* – Nepal: I… Continue reading Facing Rejection in Nepal After Choosing Christ

Iraqi Woman Faces House Arrest and Forced Marriage

IRAQ — When she became a Christian, Sara* experienced a miraculous escape after her father put her under house arrest and arranged a forced marriage to a Muslim man for her. Thanks to support from Open Doors, Sara knows her true value in Christ as she serves others. Open Doors’ vision is that every persecuted… Continue reading Iraqi Woman Faces House Arrest and Forced Marriage

Brutally Beaten Egyptian Pastor Finds Safety and Support Through Help The Persecuted Ministry

EGYPT —On his way home one night in Egyptian Pastor Nimer was brutally beaten and his attackers even threatened to kill him. Forced to flee he found safety for his family at a Help The Persecuted safe house where he is also receiving ongoing practical and spiritual support from the Christian ministry. Despite this intense… Continue reading Brutally Beaten Egyptian Pastor Finds Safety and Support Through Help The Persecuted Ministry

Persecuted Iranian Refugees Encouraged and Inspired at Spiritual Retreat

IRAN —When persecuted Iranian Christians are forced to flee the country they face many challenges as they seek to start a new life as refugees, including being treated as second class citizens and feelings of isolation. In response Christian ministry Help The Persecuted hosted a spiritual retreat for Iranian refugees in a country that can’t… Continue reading Persecuted Iranian Refugees Encouraged and Inspired at Spiritual Retreat

Parents of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Gather for 10th Anniversary Service

NIGERIA — It’s been 10 years since the Chibok Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria. More than 90 of the young women are still missing. On 14 April, parents of the girls gathered for a service to pray for the missing women. Yakubu Nkeki – Chibok, Nigeria: My name is Yakubu… Continue reading Parents of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Gather for 10th Anniversary Service

Ukrainian Christian Leaders Tortured, Killed and Disappearing

UKRAINE — Into the third year of Russia’s occupation of parts of Ukraine, Christian leaders are being killed, tortured and are disappearing. And in Russia, priests who oppose Putin’s invasion are being imprisoned or silenced. And yet, in Ukraine, there are signs of a growing hunger for the gospel, with reports of churches packed to… Continue reading Ukrainian Christian Leaders Tortured, Killed and Disappearing

Imprisoned, Sacked and Forced to Flee Iran

IRAN — Simin* from Iran has experienced hostility from the authorities, her work and even her own family. But her faith in Jesus is undiminished. Today, helped by Open Doors, she’s found a way to channel her experiences into helping other women back in her homeland, Iran. Simin*: With nothing but a little cash in… Continue reading Imprisoned, Sacked and Forced to Flee Iran

Iraqi Woman Faces House Arrest and Forced Marriage

IRAQ — When she became a Christian, Sara* experienced a miraculous escape after her father put her under house arrest and arranged a forced marriage to a Muslim man for her. Thanks to support from Open Doors, Sara knows her true value in Christ as she serves others. Open Doors’ vision is that every persecuted… Continue reading Iraqi Woman Faces House Arrest and Forced Marriage

Christian Communities Living in Fear in Uganda

SYRIA — In Uganda, fear and attacks from Islamic ADF militants are increasing. But thanks to your prayers, local Open Doors partners are supporting affected Christians with trauma counselling and spiritual support. *Names changed for security reasons Edward Bamcwanira – Retired Bishop, East Rwenzori Diocese: We are living in fear. And whoever says there is… Continue reading Christian Communities Living in Fear in Uganda

Ani’s Syria Survival Story

SYRIA — Ani was horrified when her baby girl Maria was caught up in a bomb attack in Syria in 2014. In Ani’s survival story, Maria survived thanks to the prayers of the church – and Ani realised she needed to make Jesus her sure foundation. *Name changed for security reasons Ani*: “There are a… Continue reading Ani’s Syria Survival Story

A Church Always on the Run in Colombia

COLOMBIA — In Viviana’s* community, meeting together as Christians is impossible. But God has blessed believers with courage and creativity to help them gather – which means church in Colombia looks a little bit different. *name changed and voice adjusted for security reasons Viviana* – Colombia: We do not have a church and we cannot… Continue reading A Church Always on the Run in Colombia

Calls for Pakistan’s New Government to Protect Christians

PAKISTAN — Pakistan is expecting a change of government following recent elections. And one challenge that will face the new Prime Minister and his party will be to protect the country’s Christian minority from violence. The violence is often linked with accusations of blasphemy, as Andrew Boyd from Release International reports. There are calls for… Continue reading Calls for Pakistan’s New Government to Protect Christians

Friends of Kidnapped Leah Sharibu Share How She’s Encouraged Them

NIGERIA, AFRICA — On the sixth anniversary of Leah Sharibu’s kidnapping in Nigeria, friends of kidnapped share how they’ve been encouraged by her courageous faith – and how they’re hopeful they’ll one day see her again. Leah Sharibu’s Friends: Leah is like a sister to me, a very good friend. At the boarding school, we… Continue reading Friends of Kidnapped Leah Sharibu Share How She’s Encouraged Them

FRC Publishes New Edition of Hostility Against Churches Report Indicating a Doubling of Attacks

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WASHINGTON — Family Research Council (FRC) recently released the newest edition of its Hostility Against Churches report, updated to include hostility incidents from calendar year 2023. The report’s findings suggest that the rise in hostility against U.S. churches that were identified in FRC’s inaugural December 2022 report has neither slowed nor plateaued; rather, it has… Continue reading FRC Publishes New Edition of Hostility Against Churches Report Indicating a Doubling of Attacks

Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

NIGERIA — In May 2023, Pastor Zachariah returned home to find his wife and son had been killed in an attack by Fulani militants. His home had also been burnt to the ground. To help him deal with his devastating loss, Nigerian Pastor Zachariah received trauma counselling and practical support from Open Doors partners. It… Continue reading Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

FRC Releases Updated Report Detailing the Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West

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WASHINGTON — Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty today published an updated edition of its report “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West,” which seeks to provide a better understanding of religious freedom violations perpetrated by Western governments against Christian individuals, organizations, and churches. Between January 2020 and December 2023,… Continue reading FRC Releases Updated Report Detailing the Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West

Increased Persecution and Surveillance in China

CHINA — It’s the Chinese New Year, but for Christian families in China, the new year is set to bring increased surveillance and persecution. As Andrew Boyd from Release International reports, the state is homing in on Christian children. As China celebrates its New Year, which begins in February, Chinese Christians are braced for a… Continue reading Increased Persecution and Surveillance in China

Several Churches Were Affected by the Fires in Chile

CHILE — In the midst of the most devastating fires in Chile’s recorded history, with hundreds of fatalities and thousands of hectares consumed, the Christian community is facing an unprecedented situation. Churches and parsonages in Chile have been completely destroyed, but they find hope in faith and solidarity in the reconstruction. Chile Faces the Most… Continue reading Several Churches Were Affected by the Fires in Chile

Survivors of Nigeria Christmas Eve Attack Share Their Stories

NIGERIA, AFRICA — On Christmas Eve, Islamic militants attacked several Christian villages in Plateau State, Nigeria. The attacks went into the early hours of Christmas Day, and at least 113 people were killed. Many more were injured or have lost their homes. In this video, recorded by Open Doors local partners in the region, Nigeria… Continue reading Survivors of Nigeria Christmas Eve Attack Share Their Stories

Open Doors’ World Watch List for 2024

NORTH KOREA — The Open Doors World Watch List 2024 ranks the countries where Christians count the highest cost for following Jesus. These are the 5 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. Could praying put you in danger? Could going to church risk your life? Could following Jesus cost you your job, your… Continue reading Open Doors’ World Watch List for 2024

Christians in North Africa Face ‘New Year of Persecution’

'PERSECUTION IS A CROWN WE WEAR': Christians in North Africa face a "new year of persecution" that is intensifying in the shadow of the Holy Land conflict, says Middle East media ministry SAT-7 USA (

EASTON, MD — Christians in North Africa, where less than 1% of the population follows Christianity, are facing a new year of escalating persecution in the shadow of the Holy Land conflict. There are only a handful of evangelical churches still open in Algeria, where the government is raiding and systematically shutting down Christian places… Continue reading Christians in North Africa Face ‘New Year of Persecution’

Mike Pence to address IRF Summit 2024

Photo by IRF Summit

WASHINGTON — Mike Pence, the 48th Vice President of the United States, will speak during the afternoon plenary at the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit on Tuesday, Jan. 30. The IRF Summit is the world’s premier annual gathering of international religious freedom advocates and activists. The Summit’s convening co-chairs, former U.S. Ambassador at Large for… Continue reading Mike Pence to address IRF Summit 2024

In The First 10 Months of 2023, 5,000 Christians were Killed

NORTH KOREA — Christian freedom in the world is marked by a deterioration that seems to be getting worse. This is reflected in reports and statistics, such as those collected by the organization Open Doors. That entity has just published the World Persecution List 2024, with data related to the period between January and October… Continue reading In The First 10 Months of 2023, 5,000 Christians were Killed

Open Doors Launches 2024 World Watch List in UK Parliament

NORTH KOREA — Longstanding Christian communities could disappear in parts of sub-Saharan Africa through a double blow of violent instability and authoritarian control. Christian minorities across east and west Africa face twin existential threats: violent disorder exploited by radical jihadists and autocratic governments backed by larger powers outside the region.This is one of the disturbing… Continue reading Open Doors Launches 2024 World Watch List in UK Parliament

Following Jesus in North Korea, Despite Poverty and Danger

NORTH KOREA — Ji Ho* in North Korea counts the cost of following Jesus every day. Her father was taken away by police agents when his Bible was discovered, and she has to keep her faith secret – or face terrible consequences. *Name changed for security. Ji Ho*: I didn’t know what the book was,… Continue reading Following Jesus in North Korea, Despite Poverty and Danger

Christians Discovered and Arrested in Iran

IRAN — Those Christians who are Iranian who want to live their faith in Jesus freely are often sent to prison, where they are frequently tortured and interrogated. They flee the persecution that plagues the country, becoming refugees in other nations. Kouroush is one of them. Kouroush: I had to leave everything behind. My country,… Continue reading Christians Discovered and Arrested in Iran

First-Ever Religious Violence Database Launches, Tracking Reports of Violent Persecution by Date, Country, Religion and Perpetrator

SANTA ANA, CA — For the first time ever, incidents of violent religious persecution are searchable through a new database that records violent attacks on Christians and people of faith around the world. Unveiled by Global Christian Relief, America’s leading watchdog of Christian persecution, the Global Christian Relief Violent Incidents Database (VID) is the first… Continue reading First-Ever Religious Violence Database Launches, Tracking Reports of Violent Persecution by Date, Country, Religion and Perpetrator

Leading a House Church for Secret Believers in Yemen

YEMEN — In Yemen, Christian believers like Saleh* risk arrest, beatings and death threats when they choose to follow Jesus. But despite these dangers Saleh is encouraging and discipling believers across the country. Saleh*: My name is found on the radicals’ wanted list. They have my picture. Sometimes they watch me going from place to… Continue reading Leading a House Church for Secret Believers in Yemen

Xuan’s Brave Witness in Vietnam

VIETNAM — When Xuan* converted away from tribal, animistic beliefs, her Hmong community told her she could be a Christian, as long as she didn’t evangelise. But Xuan visits houses in Vietnam in the dead of night as a Brave Witness to tell people about Jesus… Xuan*: There are no churches in my area. We… Continue reading Xuan’s Brave Witness in Vietnam

Digital Surveillance Against Christians in China Increases

CHINA — In a context of growing digital surveillance in China, Ming, a faithful Christian, faces increasing challenges in sharing the Gospel. As persecution intensifies, constant monitoring, and restrictions on religious freedom, Ming finds himself at a crossroads between his faith and the threats posed by the regime. Ming: I feel like I’m being watched.… Continue reading Digital Surveillance Against Christians in China Increases

Mary’s Testimony: A Christian Kidnapped in Nigeria by Extremists

NIGERIA, AFRICA — Mary*, 20 years old, was in church when Fulani militants attacked. In her village in northwestern Nigeria, there is always the threat of attacks from Islamic extremists. However, this does not prepare the community for the reality of experiencing an attack. Mary*: They attack Christians because we worship Jesus and they want… Continue reading Mary’s Testimony: A Christian Kidnapped in Nigeria by Extremists

At Age 95 Vietnamese Pastor Recalls Persecution

VIETNAM — Vietnamese Pastor Zoong Tee Tie — also known as Mrs. Ly — helped start Vietnam’s house church movement. Lucille Talusan of CBN News, brings us the story from Hanoi. Although Christians still face persecution in communist Vietnam, churches thrive because leaders endured suffering to spread the gospel. That includes 95-yr-old, pastor Zoong Tee… Continue reading At Age 95 Vietnamese Pastor Recalls Persecution

Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

NIGERIA — New reports highlight the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are regarded as soft targets for abduction. Release International is calling on Nigeria to protect vulnerable Christian communities. Andrew Boyd has the details. New reports confirm that Christians are being targeted for kidnap and ransom in Nigeria, sometimes by bandits hungry for… Continue reading Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

Orphan in Uganda Starts His Own Orphanage

UGANDA — After Waswa’s* mother was poisoned by relatives because of her decision to follow Jesus, Waswa and his siblings became orphans. But after receiving care and support from local Open Doors partners, Waswa now runs an orphanage in Uganda, caring for many isolated children in his community and sharing his faith with them. When… Continue reading Orphan in Uganda Starts His Own Orphanage

Bridge School Unites Community in Ethiopia

SOUTH EAST ASIA — In Pastor Yohannes’* community, Christian children can face discrimination at school, like Ermias’ twin boys, Fasil and Ezana. But thanks to your prayers and support, they now attend a bridge school, run by Open Doors partners – and it’s helping to unite a divided community. Pastor Yohannes*: This area is an… Continue reading Bridge School Unites Community in Ethiopia

Abraham and Eti’s Story: Surviving Death Threats and Persecution

SOUTH EAST ASIA — Abraham* came to follow Jesus, encouraged by Eti*, the Christian woman he would later marry. But Abraham’s family were about to face persecution in south east Asia, until he was saved by a miracle. Abraham* – South east Asia: I was born and grew up in a Muslim home and all… Continue reading Abraham and Eti’s Story: Surviving Death Threats and Persecution

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