Praise Reports from South Asia

Christians are under attack on all continents yet some are still finding joy in Jesus. And the Lord is blessing the work of His servants in South Asia.

SOUTH ASIA – Christians are under attack on all continents. It is quite clear why Jesus called us to be lights in the darkness. So much is reported about the darkness, we need to be reminded that some people are still drawn to the light and are finding joy in Jesus. And the Lord is blessing the work of His servants.

Christmas Gifts

Gospel for Asia’s partners in Asia have shared some good news around the organization’s Christmas gift program that provides practical gifts for poverty-stricken people. One of those blessings reported the distribution of warm blankets to children in the higher elevations where winter cold has set in.

This particular distribution program was administered by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope centers and took place from December 16 to December 28. Teams distributed blankets to the needy children in 16 different villages. These children’s parents are unskilled laborers who do not earn enough money to purchase simple necessities like sweaters, warm clothes and, of course, blankets.

One child’s mother indicated her appreciation saying, “I have been seeing the good work of your organization for the last few years, and I appreciate all of you for your kind heart.”

New Disciple

Bibles for the World reported the unexpected appearance of a Christian man living amid a village that has been considered an unengaged people group that the organization had “adopted” last year.

One of the Bibles for the World’s partners in South Asia has itself “adopted” this believer. They are discipling him in the Word in a community of believers so he will be prepared to return to his home village and share about Christ effectively among his own people.

Since there are no known Scriptures available in the language of that remote village, Bibles for the World hopes that this believer will be able to assist in the development of translation already in progress.

New Church

Dr. K.P. Yohannan recently visited a site where, some time ago, one of two indigenous brothers had been murdered while they were teaching others about Jesus. Yohannan recounted in a short video how he remembered the young man dying in a pool of his own blood.

That doesn’t sound like good news.

The site had changed from one of persecution to one of praise, reminding this writer of the words written by John Stallings, speaking of the blood of Jesus:

“Love grew where the blood fell
Flowers of hope sprang up for men in misery
Sin died where the blood fell
I’m so glad this precious blood has covered me.”

Take a moment to watch Dr. Yohannan’s short (1:20) video, which shows the church that grew where the blood fell.

Praise the Lord!

To read more news on Gospel for Asia on Missions Box, go here.


Song Lyric Source: Written by John Stallings; © Bridge Building Music

Image Source: Gospel for Asia, Photo of the Day

Video Source: Support National Missionaries, Gospel for Asia, Youtube

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