The Prayer of Lebanon’s Youth

SAT-7 KIDS youth reports on how young people in Lebanon are feeling, responding and praying since the explosion that rocked Beirut

BEIRUT — SAT-7 KIDS youth presenter Markus Kashouh reports on how young people in Lebanon are feeling, responding and praying since the devastating explosion that rocked Beirut in August this year.

Markus Kashouh, SAT-7 Kids:

Hi I’m Markus and I’m a presenter in SAT-7 Kids. Just like anyone else questions come to my mind and different feelings of emotion, fear, worry and doubts come to my mind just like everyone else that experienced this in Lebanon. Our hope now is only in God. He holds us in His hands and He controls the situation. He knows what’s going to happen tomorrow. Just like in I Peter 5:10 it says that the God of all grace has called us to eternal glory in Christ. After we have suffered for a little while He will restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast. God is our hope and He will restore us.

When I ask my friends about the experience they had with the explosion most of them said that it was so scary, but thank God they’re okay. We all have this hope established in our hearts that amidst all these problems we’re still okay and we’re still going to pass through these challenges.

A group of teens in our church we took the initiative to go down and help clean out the debris, help clean out different apartments and give out food. We gave out sandwiches. We gave out water to those in need who were affected by the explosion.

We pray that Lebanon will be rebuilt once again, not just physically but also spiritually and emotionally. We also pray for all of those who’ve been affected by the explosion and the pandemic that you restore their hearts and move any worry and fear that they may have. We also pray that as a result of this explosion that the newer generation will rise up and be firm and make Lebanon better again. Amen.

About SAT-7

Launched in 1996, SAT-7 ( — with its international headquarters in Cyprus — broadcasts Christian and educational satellite television programs to more than 30 million people in the Middle East and North Africa. Its mission is to make the gospel available to everyone and support the church in its life, work, and witness for Jesus Christ. SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in Arabic, Farsi (Persian), and Turkish, using multiple satellite channels and online services.

CONTACT: Matti Stevenson, 719-360-0586,

Read more news on Lebanon and Children Around the World on Missions Box.

Source: Global News Alliance, The Prayer of Lebanon’s Youth

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