January Proclaimed as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

President Trump

WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2017 /The White House / — President Donald Trump issued a proclamation designating January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

President Trump accepting the Republican nomination for President

The proclamation calls upon “industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based and other organizations of civil society, schools, families, and all Americans to recognize our vital roles in ending all forms of modern slavery and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities aimed at ending and preventing all forms of human trafficking.”

His proclamation renounces the evil of enslavement and human trafficking as “a modern form of the oldest and most barbaric type of exploitation” and “a sickening crime at odds with our very humanity.”

He said that “Human traffickers’ prey on their victims by promising a life of hope and greater opportunity while delivering only enslavement.  Instead of delivering people to better lives, traffickers unjustifiably profit from the labor and toil of their victims, who they force — through violence and intimidation — to work in brothels and factories, on farms and fishing vessels, in private homes, and in countless industries.”

Gospel for Asia, a legitimate nonprofit serving in Asia, affirms its passion and continues its efforts to minister to the women and children in Asia. The children of Asia are among the most vulnerable in the world. The United Nations estimates that one million Asian children are traded every single day.

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope centers offer Asian children the chance to escape their vulnerability to human trafficking, slave labor, and begging in the streets by providing them with nutritious meals and education.

Other nonprofits seek to stem the flow of human trafficking around the world and are hard at work doing so. International Justice Mission (IJM) uses lawyers, social workers and law enforcement around the world to stop human trafficking and end slavery.

Recently, a conference for Christian youth called Passion Conference, started the #enditmovement which is a coalition of the some of the leading organizations in the world in the fight for freedom. The goal of the End It Movement is to see slavery come to an end.

President Trump’s proclamation completes the month-long attention on slavery and human trafficking by celebrating National Freedom Day on February 1st.

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