Rare Uruguay tornado claims four lives

Tornado forming

A “stove pipe” pipe tornado ripped through Dolores, a city of 20,000, in southwest Uruguay on April 15, leaving four people dead and hundreds injured. Flying cars struck two of the deceased victims.

Witnesses report more than 400 buildings were destroyed amid the disruption of normal services, contributing to the state of chaos.

“There are businesses in the center of the city, completely destroyed,” Uruguayan senator Guillermo Besozzi said in New Straits Time Online. “Schools, churches destroyed. This is something never seen before. This is something out of the normal for our country.”

Christian Aid Mission reports that Bible Army of Uruguay (BAU) has established an inn in the capital of Montevideo available for families from across Uruguay who have health issues.
“While they or a family member receive treatment at one of the local clinics or hospitals, the ministry provides free, temporary housing,” said a BAU missionary.Tornado survivors from Dolores will find help with wheelchairs, walkers, canes, prosthetics and other medical supplies in part due to assistance to BAU from Christian Aid Mission.

Pray for victims of the recent tornado in Dolores, Uruguay, and the growth of ministries from BAU’s inn.

News above is a summary of the these news articles:

Weather Channel: Powerful Tornado Strikes Uruguay, Killing 4 and Injuring Hundreds
CNN: Tornado kills 4, injures hundreds in Uruguay
New Straits: Tornado rips through Uruguay town of Dolores
Christian Aid Mission: There is ROOM at the Inn

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