Photo by Firdaus Latif
The children of the Rohingya are disappearing off the street. The Rohingya are one of the most oppressed people, who have no homeland.
Voice of America reports, “A spate of disappearances among the children of displaced Rohingya in Bangladesh is raising fears the children have been abducted into the region’s human trafficking networks.”
The Rohingya have taken refuge in Bangladesh, yet their shelters are not strong enough to withstand the monsoon rains. The fate of those in Bangladesh doesn’t look good.
CNN explains, “And with the torrential rains of the monsoon season approaching, along with the threat of cyclones and floods, the fate of tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees living in overcrowded camps in Bangladesh looks as precarious as their makeshift shelters.”
Over 70,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar due to the military attacking them.
Per New Dehli Times, “In the past seven months, about 70,000 Rohingya have fled a military onslaught in their home country of Myanmar, and there are concerns the newly arrived status of the latest refugees makes them particularly vulnerable to abduction and exploitation.”
There is a huge presence of unaccompanied minors. That along with the refugee status of the Rohingya makes people wonder if the problem is significantly under-reported.
Voice of America states, “Meanwhile the presence of unaccompanied minors, and the statelessness of the Rohingya refugees, could mean the problem is being significantly under-reported.”
Those fleeing have made allegations of witnessing murder and rape by the military in the Rakhine state.
CNN reports, “Many of those fleeing have made allegations of murder and rape by Myanmar’s security forces inside Rakhine State.”
Despite these allegations, the government is denying these are happening in the Rakhine state.
Per New Dehli Times, “The lockdown followed an attack by Rohingya insurgents that killed nine policemen in October. Since then, there have been widespread accusations of mass rapes and murders as part of a broader campaign against Rohingya civilians — charges denied by the Myanmar government.”
The Rohingya barely have enough food. Mothers just want to be able to feed their children, but are unable to do so.
CNN explains, “‘We barely have enough food to survive,’ Mohsena, a 22-year-old Rohingya mother living in a makeshift shelter in Bangladesh, said. ‘If we have a meal once, we don’t know when we can have the next one. Feeding my children is my main concern.’”
Not only are the Rohingya persecuted, but also the Christians in Myanmar. Open Doors works to help these Christians in persecution.
Open Doors states, “Open Doors strengthens persecuted believers in Myanmar through the following efforts: Literature distribution, Discipleship programs, Pastoral and leadership training and Livelihood support.”
Pray for Christians to be able to share Christ’s hope among the Rohingya and help them. Pray for an end to the violence towards the Rohingya. Pray for an end to trafficking of Rohingya children.
Voice of America: Rohingya Child Disappearances Spark Trafficking Fears
CNN: The ‘silent crisis’ of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
New Dehli Times: Rohingya Child Disappearances Spark Trafficking Fears
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