Russia’s abortion bans to remember Biblical ‘slaughter of the innocents’ for one day


On January 11, there was an abortion ban headed by the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to LifeSite, “The Russian Orthodox Church diocese in the city of Yaroslavl declared 11 January a ‘day of silence without abortions’, and said it had the support of the region’s health department. Abortion is legal in Russia and the cost is covered by the state.

This was a great controversy among those who did not want to see the Church get involved with state politics.

BBC reports, “The news became a big talking point online, where many social media users are baffled by the Church’s influence. ‘Why is the Church intervening in the lives of secular society?’ asks one Twitter user, while another thinks it would a make ‘a good court case – why a service guaranteed by compulsory medical insurance is not being provided’. But for one Facebook user it reflects of a broader shift: ‘We are increasingly sliding back toward the Middle Ages.’”

It is not only the Christian community that has been concerned with compulsory abortion in Russia, but other faith communities.

RT explains, “The Interreligious Council of Russia has expressed concern over mass abortion. Last summer, the council – consisting of leaders and representatives of Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism – pointed out in a statement that Russia has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, stating that ‘the number of the violently aborted lives in mothers’ womb on various estimations totals to a million or even exceeds a million.’”

Orphan Outreach brings Christ’s hope to those children in Russia who are unwanted.

Orphan Outreach explains, “The goal of Orphan Outreach in Russia is to assist the orphan graduates in moving towards a successful independent life and providing for their needs. The ministry focus is on orphan graduates who are leaving the orphanage system. Orphan Outreach provides support and brings teams to assist with needs that the graduates or orphanages may have.”

Please pray for a decrease of abortions in Russia. Also, pray for Orphan Outreach to share Christ’s hope with the children of Russia and that they would be able to get jobs after graduating.

BBC: Russia region’s ‘no abortion day’ to mark Bible story

RT: Abortions banned in Russian city for 1 day in memory of biblical ‘massacre of innocents’

Life Site: Russian city bans abortion for one day to mark feast of the Holy Innocents

Orphan Outreach: Russia


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