London Mayor: “Learn Kindness from Christians”

Sadiq Khan is the Mayor of London, England. He had been a Member of Parliament since 2005. He is also a devout Muslim. However, whether politically motivated or out of sincerity, he has proven to be kind to Christians.

LONDON – Sadiq Khan is the Mayor of London, England. He had been a Member of Parliament since 2005. He is also a devout Muslim. However, whether politically motivated or out of sincerity, he has proven to be kind to Christians.

Just a few days ago on December 16th, he addressed a crowd of 10,000 Christian at “London Carols,” a Christmas event presented by Hillsong.

He used the occasion to publicly thank the Christian community for “the huge contribution” they make to the city of London. He posted this on his Twitter account:

An absolute joy to attend the spectacular . . . London Carols . . . today – a series of incredible performances celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Khan has been expressing disappointment in the way that people in general and politicians, in particular, interact with one another.

He used his appearance at London Carols to compliment followers of Christ, saying,

One of the things which inspires me about our churches is a simple word – kindness. The Church does kindness so well – treating each other with civility and respect and I wish us politicians learned from that.

One of the great things about the Church is when they’re helping . . . someone . . .  they don’t say, ‘Are you a Christian? Are you practicing? What are your views?’ – they want to help you. I think that’s inspirational and that’s one of the things I try to engender in my own life.

Last year, Kahn recognized Christmas as “a time when Londoners join people around the world in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.” He urged his constituency to consider the Christmas season as a time to learn to help those less fortunate than ourselves – the homeless, the hungry, and the sick – through acts of kindness.

It is refreshing to hear a prominent leader recognize kindness as a leading characteristic of true Christians, especially during a time when believers are under constant criticism and persecution.

One of the hallmarks of Gospel for Asia has been the demonstration of kindness to those who are less fortunate – those trapped by generational poverty, sickness, illiteracy, and cultural discrimination.

The critical spirit of this generation has even infected professing believers. Some have refined criticism and condemnation – especially of other believers – to an art, albeit a dark one.

The Word of God teaches us to be kind, compassionate, and encouraging. The world system embraces the tactic criticism, a tool of the devil. Believers are taught, in fact, to mark those who criticize others and to avoid them. We are never instructed to expose our brothers and sisters in Christ to public criticism but, rather, to pray for each other and bear each other’s burdens.

God forbid that we ever surrender to a critical spirit that convinces us that it is right or appropriate to attack fellow believers or ignore the needs of the hurting.

The world is groaning while waiting for the Christ who came in a manger to return as King of kings and Lord of lords. In the meantime, let us be about our Father’s business, reaching out with Hope to the hopeless.

It’s kind of like Mayor Kahn once said, “I don’t have time to answer tweets. I have more important things to do.”

God bless you all. Go, and demonstrate the love, compassion, and kindness of Christ so that others will see.

To read more news on Christmas on Missions Box, go here.

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