SAT-7 Sees Young Lives Transformed in the Middle East

A Christian broadcast ministry, SAT 7, is having an increasing impact among young people in the Middle East and North Africa

NASHVILLE, TN — Since SAT-7 launched the first ever Arabic on demand Christian video platform, they’ve seen countless young lives transformed in some of the most restricted parts of the Middle East including Afghanistan and Iran. Their Arabic Channels Digital Director Shady Francis brings this update.

A Christian broadcast ministry, SAT 7, is having an increasing impact among young people in some of the hardest to reach parts of the Middle East and North Africa after launching the world’s first Christian Arabic video on demand platform called SAT 7 Plus.


Shady Francis is their Arabic Channels Digital Director.

In the first year since our launch we reached 141,000 unique users. Every day we are receiving life-changing stories from Iran, from Afghanistan. We had kids praying for Afghanistan from Afghanistan. And we had other stories that youth are changing their lives in Iran and the other surrounding areas as well.

And SAT-7 plans to continue to expand their digital platforms in the coming months and years to reach the next generation of the Arabic world.

About SAT-7

Launched in 1996, SAT-7 (/ — with its international headquarters in Cyprus — broadcasts Christian and educational satellite television programs to more than 30 million people in the Middle East and North Africa. Its mission is to make the gospel available to everyone and support the church in its life, work, and witness for Jesus Christ. SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in Arabic, Farsi (Persian), and Turkish, using multiple satellite channels and online services.

CONTACT: Matti Stevenson, 719-360-0586,

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