Survivors of Nigeria Christmas Eve Attack Share Their Stories

In this video, recorded by Open Doors, Nigeria survivors share their stories. Open Doors partners are preparing aid for those affected.

NIGERIA, AFRICA — On Christmas Eve, Islamic militants attacked several Christian villages in Plateau State, Nigeria. The attacks went into the early hours of Christmas Day, and at least 113 people were killed. Many more were injured or have lost their homes. In this video, recorded by Open Doors local partners in the region, Nigeria survivors share their stories. Open Doors partners are preparing emergency aid for those affected.


When we got back from church, they attacked us and started to burn down our houses. They were Fulani. We saw them. They said, “Today, we will kill these people and burn down their houses.”


I arrived her in Bokkos traumatized. I can’t sleep. From our street alone, they killed 11 people. They shot them and even slaughtered some like goats. They burnt down our church to the ground.

Pastor Mallo*:

I don’t know why they did it, but these Fulani tribesmen seem bent on stopping the spread of the gospel.


Everything we owned is destroyed. All we are left with is what we were able to grab when we fled. You can see how we are surviving now.


They discovered the women and children that were hiding by the riverside. They shot them, but they also hacked some to death. The number of wounded people that we brought to the clinic was about 30. The number of deaths was 23.


We are packing our belongings. These attackers destroy lives and property. They are burning down the villages.


What can we do? Everything is burnt down. They have killed our livestock or stolen them. And they have ruined or taken our grains. There is nothing we can do. We are just here suffering.

Pastor Mallo*:

I think they attacked us to torment and frighten us. To make us question our faith. But we believe that god is in control. Our faith will not be shaken. We will continue to serve the God who made heaven and earth.

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