Texas Mother in the Aftermath of the Shooting: ‘Hopefully I Can Leave Some of This Pain Here’

Billy Graham Chaplains are with the community of Uvalde in Texas as they process through grief and trauma from the recent school shooting.

UVALDA, TX — At a growing memorial site, the community of Uvalde, Texas, is processing many emotions after a deadly school shooting. Residents and Billy Graham RRT chaplains share how God is providing much-needed hope.

Valerie JosephSan Antonio Texas Resident:

It’s been very emotional. I have two kids of my own. A four year old and a two year. That’s why I came here to pay my respects, honour these children and their lives and hopefully I can leave some of this pain here.

Ken DunlapBilly Graham RRT Chaplain:

The constant thread that I’ve witnessed a lot of emotions have been displayed from sadness to anger as you’re dealing with innocent children whose lives were lost in a very tragic way. But in the midst of that there’s a great reception to outsiders who come to the city to be a part of the healing process.

Cheryl SmithBilly Graham RRT Chaplain:

A young lady had driven all the way from San Antonio this morning and she said she’s been crying ever since she heard about it. She had to come and I said ‘Okay God brought you here.’ And so we prayed for God to hold her and comfort her through this time.


The chaplains here with Billy Graham’s, that’s amazing because in this time we need to pull together and support everyone in any way possible. God is hope, Jesus is hope and right now that is what this community needs is hope that things will get better.

About the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was developed by Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It has since grown into an international network of chaplains in the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia who are specifically trained to deal with crisis situations. They have deployed to more than 300 disaster sites, including shootings, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and tornadoes.

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