The Word of God Came at Night

Astounded that he was reading the opening verses of the Gospel of John, the missionary opened his Bible and compared it to what Ahmed had written...

This is a true story.

Ahmed1 was sleeping when he heard the knock at his door in the middle of the night. He opened the door to find a man clothed in white, but it was not someone Ahmed recognized.

In fact, Ahmed couldn’t even see the man’s face. It wasn’t that the man was hiding it. Ahmed described his face as “shiny and bright.” Kind of that “deer staring into the headlights” feeling. Unlike the proverbial deer, Ahmed sensed no danger.

After letting the stranger into his house, he dictated something for Ahmed to write down in a notebook.

When Ahmed awoke in the morning, he realized that he had fallen asleep while he had been writing. Imagine how puzzling that experience was. But there was his notebook and the words he had written as dictated.

That night the visitor came once again. Again, he requested that Ahmed record his words, which he did. Yet, he awoke in the morning to discover that he must have fallen asleep once more while writing.

The visits continued for an entire month.

Later, Ahmed shared his mysterious story with a local missionary. The missionary asked to read what Ahmed had written. In Ahmed’s handwriting and in his language, the preacher began reading the transcription.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”

Astounded that he was reading the opening verses of the Gospel of John, the missionary opened his Bible and compared it to what Ahmed had written. The notebook contained the entire Gospel of John, word for word!

When Ahmed learned what he had written, he asked, “Who was that man?” And he was introduced to Jesus.

Some who read this story, initially published in The Christian Post, will not believe it. Yet, as Missions Box News has reported in the past, Jesus has been appearing to Muslims all across the Middle East in areas where Christians dare not go.

We may be prevented from going there, but no one can stop Jesus.

Doubters might consider the story of the blind man that Jesus healed as recorded in John chapter nine. When repeatedly questioned how it was possible, the healed man finally explained, “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”

In their song, “Don’t Ask,” Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote, “Don’t ask me how to reason out the mysteries of life.”

Instead, they suggested that we “Go ask the child who’s walking now, who once was crippled, then, somehow her useless legs were made to jump for joy,” or “Go ask the man to tell you more, whose life was just a raging war, inside himself, until the Savior came.”

When the Lord has wrought a miracle in someone’s life, they may not be able to explain how He did it, but they will assure you that He did.

We serve a miracle-working God. Don’t ask how. Honor Him for what He has done.

To read more news on the Bible on Missions Box, go here.

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