U.S. suicide rate grows 24 percent since 1999


Recent studies of U.S. deaths show that suicide has increased significantly since 1999, affecting mostly middle-aged white males. Thirteen out of every 100,000 people committed suicide in 2014, the last year data is currently available. Only black males saw a decrease.
Middle-aged men saw a 43 percent increase in the last 15 years. While males represent 83 percent of the reported 33,112 suicide deaths in 2014.

“Many people view suicide as a mental health problem, but many people who die of suicide do not have a mental health problem. It’s a public health problem,” Kristin Holland, a behavioral scientist in the CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention Surveillance, said in the Huffington Post. Holland believes suicide is a preventable public health issue.

Factors contributing to the increased suicide rates are substance abuse, economic downturns and the stigma of admitting what many consider to be a mental-health issue.

Those struggling with suicide can call a 24-hour helpline at 612-379-1199 to speak with a Christian counselor.

Pray that those considering suicide will seek help and find new hope.

The article above is a simple summary of these news articles:

CNN: U.S. suicide rates up, especially among women, but down for black males
USA Today: Suicide rate on the rise in U.S.
Huffington Post: There’s Been A Startling Rise In Suicide Rates In The U.S.
Suicide Helplines: Testimonies

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