World Gospel Mission: Never Settle for Less than …

World Gospel Mission (WGM) activated when two Christian families ventured to China in 1910 to minister alongside two native Chinese Christians.

MARION, IN – World Gospel Mission (WGM) activated when two Christian families ventured to China in 1910 to minister alongside two native Chinese Christians. Those families prepared the field in which WGM’s subsequent sowing of the Gospel seed would become successful.

Sent with Purpose

By 1920, WGM had 15 missionaries, 50 Chinese workers, and hundreds of Chinese Christians working relentlessly to win souls for the Lord.

It was also the foundation for a ministry that expanded to seven mission fields, including Kenya, India, Burundi, Honduras, Bolivia, and the Texas/Mexico border by 1946. WGM had more than 100 active missionaries at that time.

Twenty years later, their soul-winning mission had grown to include 16 different counties that included, among others, Japan, Lebanon, Egypt, Haiti, and Brazil.

Today, World Gospel Mission permeates the globe with 254 missionaries and 536 short-term team members working in 28 different countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania.

It would be inadequate, and even inappropriate, to define World Gospel Mission merely by numbers.

Sent with Passion

The WGM team prepares and launches people who are totally dedicated to transforming others around the world by introducing people to Jesus Christ. Each team member and missionary is devoted to four underlying foundational principles that clearly indicate that they will never be content with mediocrity or half-hearted service.

  • We will not settle for less than fully surrendered, Christlike lives. “We will live the lives that God intends us to live—lives that are victorious over sin—and we will seek to lead others into this scriptural Christlike lifestyle.”
  • We will not settle for less than passionate, faith-filled prayer. We will pray, knowing that God will answer our prayers. We will pray for more workers, for His guidance and provision in our lives and ministries, and for the pouring out of His empowering Spirit to accomplish His will.”
  • We will not settle for less than the best use of God’s resources. “We will use His resources for the purposes He intends. This is a call to excellence. This is a call to the development and sustainability of those resources which God entrusts to us.”
  • We will not settle for less than total transformation. “We will allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, the lives of those we touch and their communities, and the world in which we live.”

Sent with a Plan

It is one thing to send passionate people to propagate the Gospel in places around the world. It is something entirely different to prepare them with a plan that is perfect for reaching the peoples to whom they are sent. Although the need for the Gospel is universal, there are a multiplicity of cultures into which it must go. Each culture has its own unique characteristics and concerns. Therefore, WGM earnestly seeks to come alongside people in ways that are acceptable and appropriate for establishing sustainable relationships. For instance,

  • Educated Argentines often consider Christianity as something that has been tried and failed. They are not inclined to take the Gospel seriously. However, when Argentines meet someone who is living a joyful, Christ-centered life, these prejudices begin to fall apart.
  • Spain is a prime destination for North African immigrants. They have relocated to a nominally Christian nation, but rarely have they heard about Jesus, especially in their own language.
  • The only predominantly Muslim country in Europe is From 1967 until 1991, all private religious practice was outlawed. The Albanians have had a Bible printed in their own language since 1994. Less than one percent of the population is evangelical Christian.
  • The people of Papua New Guinea are so steeped in superstition and spirit-worship that, even when they embrace Christ, they find it difficult to leave their ways of worship.

World Gospel Mission has served the Lord for more than 100 years, sharing the Gospel of Christ with the lost, demonstrating holy living and the joy of the Lord, and transforming lives and entire communities. They will settle for nothing less.

Read more news on Non Profit Organizations and World Missions on Missions Box.



  1. I’m very glad to read your message also very happy how you are concern about the lost souls. That I do . It is my desisre to partner with you. Together we will reach the world for the Lord

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