Zika vaccine breakthrough available soon



A vaccine may soon be available for the mosquito-borne Zika virus that has cast fear across the Americas. Inovio of Plymouth Meeting, Pa., and GeneOne Life Science of Seoul, South Korea, worked together to develop the vaccine, which is ready for human trials. The pharmaceutical companies will seek 40 volunteers to test their vaccine.

Among the conditions caused by Zika, Guillan-Barre and microcephaly in newborns are the greatest concerns.

In Brazil, the most affected country, the Ministry of Health estimates that Zika has infected anywhere from 500,000 to 1.5 million people. And there have been at least 1,709 confirmed cases of microcephaly there.

Christian ministries like World Vision have served in Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to help more than 343,000 at-risk people. They have distributed mosquito nets and bug repellants while conducting educational events for community leaders and families.

Pray for the success of the Zika vaccine and protection for thousands who are still vulnerable.

CNN: First Zika vaccine to be tested in humans

ABC: What We Know About the First Zika Vaccine Trial by Inovio Pharmaceuticals

Nature World News: Zika Update: First Zika Vaccine Ready for Human Trial

World Vision: Zika Virus: What you need to know



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