MINNEAPOLIS — More than 100,000 people from dozens of countries across the world indicated they wanted to put their faith in Jesus after hearing the gospel during recent, virtual evangelistic events hosted by Nick Hall and Pulse. The responses, which came via international call centers, email, website and text messages, are evidence that God is… Continue reading ‘The Great Quarantine Revival’: Pulse Sees More than 100,000 Professions of Faith via Virtual Events
Results for "Russia"
Survey Reveals America’s Greatest Existential Threat
PHOENIX, AZ – The most significant existential threat for America is not the Coronavirus. Nor is it China, Iran, Russia, or North Korea. It is also not the potential collapse of our economy and supply chains. Continuing analysis by the American Worldview Inventory 2020 points out that “One-third of the nation’s adults who have chosen… Continue reading Survey Reveals America’s Greatest Existential Threat
The 133 Year Ministry of Life in Messiah
LANSING, IL – Not many ministries are blessed to have been active for more than 130 years. When Willian E. Blackstone published Jesus Is Coming in 1878, it became the precursor for forming the Chicago Hebrew Mission nine years later.The thrust of the ministry was to help meet the spiritual and physical needs of the… Continue reading The 133 Year Ministry of Life in Messiah
USCIRF Funded Through FY2022
WASHINGTON, DC – The passage of the FY2020 Federal spending bill on December 19th ensures government funding for the US Commission on International Religious Freedom for another three years. Congress must re-approve funding of the USCIRF before the 2023 fiscal year. Although many government programs are included in the $1.4 trillion package, the USCIRF came… Continue reading USCIRF Funded Through FY2022
Sudan Removed from State Dept. List of Worst Religious Freedom Violators after Dictator Ousted
The U.S. State Department removed Sudan from its list of governments that are engaging in or tolerating systemic and ongoing religious freedom violations and has placed Nigeria, Cuba, and Nicaragua on a special watch list for “severe violations of religious freedom” for the first time. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday the State Departments’… Continue reading Sudan Removed from State Dept. List of Worst Religious Freedom Violators after Dictator Ousted
Intensely Focused — Back to God Ministries
GRAND RAPIDS, MI – During the first two decades of the 21st Century, the lines between humanitarianism and evangelism have become blurred. Much of this can be attributed to the growing inclination toward political correctness, the revelation of the billions of people living in extreme poverty in developing (and industrialized) countries, and the increasing fascination… Continue reading Intensely Focused — Back to God Ministries
Mother Reunited with IDF Officer Son Amid Wave of Ukrainian Aliyah
ISRAEL – A mother and son were reunited at Ben-Gurion Airport last week amid a wave of 260 new olim (immigrants) from the Ukraine. Tatiana Popovich (49) made aliyah from the small town of Bar, and was eager to reunite with her son, Maxim, who made aliyah to Israel several years ago to serve in… Continue reading Mother Reunited with IDF Officer Son Amid Wave of Ukrainian Aliyah
The Sad State of 12 Million Stateless People
NEW YORK – The UNHCR estimates that there are about 12 million stateless people in the world today. The number is somewhat of a wild guess. Although some are in refugee camps or detention centers, there is no method currently available or in use to determine who else is stateless or where they are. Stateless… Continue reading The Sad State of 12 Million Stateless People
Day of Global Recognition of Violence Against People Based on Religion or Belief
NEW YORK – August 22, 2019, marked the first International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief sponsored by the United Nations. Missions Box News first became aware of the proposed special day in July 2018 when members of the British parliament were called to consider supporting a proposal… Continue reading Day of Global Recognition of Violence Against People Based on Religion or Belief
Government Restrictions Against Freedom of Religion Are Growing Globally
WILLS POINT, TX – The closure of yet another Christian church and its Bible school by authorities in Algeria spurred one of our reporters to dig a little deeper. He decided to investigate government restrictions and political persecution against the Church. He didn’t have to look far. A recent report by the Pew Research Center… Continue reading Government Restrictions Against Freedom of Religion Are Growing Globally
FEBC Announces Plans to Beam ‘Good News’ to Cambodia’s Post-Genocide Generation
Infamous ‘killing fields’ become ‘harvest fields’ as radio ministry ramps up to broadcast gospel to unreached people in Battambang province.LA MIRADA, CA — Radio ministry FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company, www.febc.org), today announced plans to build a new radio station next year that will broadcast local Christian programs for the first time to thousands in… Continue reading FEBC Announces Plans to Beam ‘Good News’ to Cambodia’s Post-Genocide Generation
Ahead of U.S. Visit, Yael Eckstein Tours Security Projects in Israel Funded by The Fellowship
JERUSALEM — Throughout much of its existence, The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) has stood in the gap between the support people feel they need in the vulnerable parts of Israel and what the government has had the capacity and capability to provide. “No government in the world protects its people as… Continue reading Ahead of U.S. Visit, Yael Eckstein Tours Security Projects in Israel Funded by The Fellowship
FEBC Radio Ministry Now Broadcasting Gospel in 124 Languages
LA MIRADA, CA — Radio broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has opened up the airwaves for millions of people in unreached regions to hear the gospel in their own language for the first time – now broadcasting in 124 languages, with more than 2.2 million individuals responding annually to the “good news.” “In many… Continue reading FEBC Radio Ministry Now Broadcasting Gospel in 124 Languages
The Largest Holocaust Museum in Ukraine
DNIEPR – The largest Holocaust Museum in Ukraine and one of the largest in the world is situated in Dniepr – 2,000 square kilometers, 3 stories, 4 halls. Exclusive display items including: 18 century Torah scroll, prayer books and personal belongings of Ghetto captives, kids’ toys. Before the 2nd World War Ukraine’s Jewish community was… Continue reading The Largest Holocaust Museum in Ukraine
Guidelines Expands Outreach in Mongolia
MISSION VIEJO – Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963, the same year he completed his graduate degree work. Guidelines began as a simple radio program built on the idea of connecting people with the Lord through practical, five-minute devotionals delivered over the airwaves. During the early years, Dr. Sala produced the daily programs while pastoring… Continue reading Guidelines Expands Outreach in Mongolia
Wildfire Cripples FEBC Radio Station in South Korea
Gospel Broadcaster to Restore and Rebuild Fire-Ravaged Station Near North Korea BorderLA MIRADA, CA — Koreans are struggling to receive Christian radio broadcasts after a wildfire severely crippled a radio station near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with North Korea. Gospel broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has launched a campaign on its website (www.febc.org) to… Continue reading Wildfire Cripples FEBC Radio Station in South Korea
Religious Freedom Report Offers Grim Review Of Attacks On Faith Groups
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its annual report in the aftermath of attacks on mosques in New Zealand, churches in Sri Lanka and synagogues in the United States. “It’s coming at a time when religious freedom concerns, for lots of reasons, are getting more attention across the board,” USCIRF Commissioner Johnnie… Continue reading Religious Freedom Report Offers Grim Review Of Attacks On Faith Groups
USCIRF Report: China, Two Dozen Other Countries Top Religious Freedom Offenders List
WASHINGTON — With its particular focus on China’s oppression of religious and human rights, an independent watchdog group has decried in its annual report the state of religious freedom across the globe. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan organization created 20 years ago, concludes in its Monday (April 29) report that “innumerable… Continue reading USCIRF Report: China, Two Dozen Other Countries Top Religious Freedom Offenders List
People’s Republic of Luhansk Bans Baptist Churches
LUHANSK, Ukraine – The unrecognized People’s Republic of Luhansk, an independent quasi-state of Ukraine drafted a law requiring all churches`to “re-register” just four years after declaring its independence during the armed conflict of 2014. The February 2018 legislation pertained to all Protestant churches and required them to re-register by October 2018. The re-registration was required… Continue reading People’s Republic of Luhansk Bans Baptist Churches
‘Missionary Radio’ Giveaway Campaign Kicks Off to Enable Asia’s Unreached to Dial into the Good News
FEBC plans record distribution of free radios to share the gospel in countries where poverty and political restrictions keep people from hearing about Jesus LA MIRADA, CA – Christian broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has launched a year-long initiative to distribute a record number of its free “missionary radios” to unreached people groups, most… Continue reading ‘Missionary Radio’ Giveaway Campaign Kicks Off to Enable Asia’s Unreached to Dial into the Good News
Venezuela Crisis: Christian Group Providing Emergency Aid, Food for Starving
Venezuela Crisis — “The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now.” Venezuela is facing the biggest economic crisis in modern history with hyperinflation, leading to starvation, deaths and mass migration. The U.S. announced Saturday that USAID will be sending… Continue reading Venezuela Crisis: Christian Group Providing Emergency Aid, Food for Starving
The Sailor & the Comic Book
TORONTO – It has been said that God uses common things to accomplish uncommon things. Whoever said that may have been thinking about loaves and fishes or Balaam’s donkey. It is not likely that they were thinking about sailors and comic books, but God can use them, too. He has, and He still is. Warmolt… Continue reading The Sailor & the Comic Book
Marking Seven Decades of Ministry, Leading Gospel Broadcaster Declares That ‘Radio Still Rocks’
Despite claims by some that radio broadcasting is dying, it remains at heart of FEBC’s pioneering ministry, even as it uses new-tech pathways to share the gospel LA MIRADA, Calif. – As it marks 70 years of proclaiming the gospel to some of the farthest corners of the world, FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company), the… Continue reading Marking Seven Decades of Ministry, Leading Gospel Broadcaster Declares That ‘Radio Still Rocks’
Everything You Wanted to Know About Blasphemy Laws – But Were Afraid to Ask
WILLS POINT, TX – The ongoing case of the Asia Bibi trial in Pakistan has drawn attention to the imminent danger of blasphemy laws, particularly for Christians. Missions Box News decided to investigate blasphemy laws around the world. Although this article may not contain everything you want to know about it, we think you will… Continue reading Everything You Wanted to Know About Blasphemy Laws – But Were Afraid to Ask
Where in the World Is Abkhazia? And Why Is SOAR Ministering There?
ABKHAZIA – SOAR International Ministries is holding special camps for handicapped kids in Abkhazia. Raise your hand if you know where Abkhazia is? Anyone? Anyone? Okay. Let’s try this. Raise your hand if you have ever even heard of Abkhazia. Anyone? Anyone? Abkhazia is a small, independent state on the eastern shore of the Black… Continue reading Where in the World Is Abkhazia? And Why Is SOAR Ministering There?
The Erdogan Enigma
NEW YORK – Recep Erdogan is the President of Turkey, one of the most complex nations in the world at the moment. His economy is crumbling, he is responsible for holding a North Carolina pastor in jail on bogus charges of attempting to overthrow the Turkish government, and he has made it clear that he… Continue reading The Erdogan Enigma
SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine
KIEV – Ukraine (fka “the Ukraine) presents many conundrums. Because of the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, many measurements and statistics must be listed and compared as “including Crimea” or “not including Crimea” – an issue that remains a point of contention for Ukraine. Although Ukraine is the largest nation located entirely… Continue reading SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine
55,000 Displaced Syrian Children Are in Danger
DAMASCUS – Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed in the seven-year-long Syrian Civil War. An estimated 11 million people have been displaced from their homes, creating one of the greatest refugee crises in history. Over 270,000 people have fled to southern Syria during the month of July. The single largest displacement of… Continue reading 55,000 Displaced Syrian Children Are in Danger
Pew Research Center Releases Latest Report on Global Religious Restrictions
WASHINGTON DC – The Pew Research Center has released its comprehensive annual report on religious restrictions around the globe. The report compares restrictions in 2016 with previous years across two distinct categories: government-imposed restrictions and societal hostilities. More than a quarter (28%) of the 198 countries included in the research were identified as having either… Continue reading Pew Research Center Releases Latest Report on Global Religious Restrictions
Prayer Requests for Afghanistan
Imagine a country where you had to keep your faith silent for fear of being arrested. There are many people living in countries throughout the world that face this threat. Afghanistan is one of them. There are no churches, but mosques can be found on every street corner in the rugged and mountainous terrain of… Continue reading Prayer Requests for Afghanistan
Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams
ABUJA – The country of Nigeria is an enigma. While, on the one hand, the Nigerian Minister of Health announced today that the country’s efforts to eliminate polio within its borders “are beginning to yield results, considering the fact that we have spent 18 months without a case of poliovirus,” the country stands at the… Continue reading Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams
The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children
WILLS POINT, Texas – It is no secret that the world is rife with problems ranging from terrorism and wars to hunger and health issues. Many of these and other problems spawn floods of refugees seeking safe harbor from potential harm. Many would consider making a successful journey to a safer place a success. However,… Continue reading The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children
Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis
Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis
Clean Water Is an Issue for 12 of the World’s Major Cities
Several billion people around the world live without sufficient access to clean water. Over one billion people lack water supplies. Another 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. Read Gospel for Asia’s Special Report on The Global Clean Water Crisis here. A 2014 survey of the world’s 500 largest… Continue reading Clean Water Is an Issue for 12 of the World’s Major Cities
Christians Concerned About Turkish Presence in Syria
Turkish Army Takes Afrin, Syria from Kurds AFRIN, Syria – Turkish forces have overtaken the Syrian town of Afrin, driving the Kurdish forces out. To most readers in the Western Hemisphere, this news has little relevance. Most us have no idea who’s who or what is where in the conflict in Syria. The situation for… Continue reading Christians Concerned About Turkish Presence in Syria
Mohabat TV Receives International Impact Award
NASHVILLE – Mohabat TV, the media arm of Heart4Iran, has received the highly-coveted 2018 International Impact Award from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) at their annual convention in Nashville, Tennessee. Mohabat TV and Heart4Iran work in collaboration with more than 80 other ministries to spread the Gospel in the Middle East. The satellite TV network… Continue reading Mohabat TV Receives International Impact Award
Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need
Syrian Christians are part of one of the oldest churches in the world. They used to be one of the major political forces in Syria , until ISIS started coming after Christians because they believe in an all Islamic state, also known as a Caliphate. BBC explains, “The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled… Continue reading Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need
Billy Kim & Luis Palau Inducted into NRB Hall of Fame
NASHVILLE – Dr. Billy Kim and evangelist Luis Palau were honored at the opening of the National Religious Broadcasters annual convention in Nashville. The two renowned and highly-respected preachers were co-inductees into the NRB Hall of Fame. The two join a list of a veritable “Who’s Who” in Christian broadcasting that includes Ray Ortmund, Chuck… Continue reading Billy Kim & Luis Palau Inducted into NRB Hall of Fame
SGA Shares “Immanuel’s Child” Story
LOVES PARK, Illinois – Eric Mock of the Slavik Gospel Association (SGA) was in far southeastern Russia for Christmas. Not December 25th, but January 7th, when Russians celebrate the birth of Christ. Mock attended a Christmas Day program for children in a small church in Khabarovsk near the Chinese border. His visit was coordinated as… Continue reading SGA Shares “Immanuel’s Child” Story
Paris Peace Conference
Photo by הסוכנות היהודית Pikiwiki Israel In January, right before President Trump was sworn into office, a group of international leaders met to discuss the Two-State Solution, or the giving the West Bank in Israel to the Palestinians. Per Al Jazeera, “The [UN] resolution condemns all Israeli settlement activity as illegal and calls upon member… Continue reading Paris Peace Conference
Rev. Richard Wurmbrand: Voice for the Persecuted
Introduction Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured for 14 long years in a Communist Romanian prison. After his release to the United States, he was the voice of persecuted Christians around the world. Early Life Richard was born in 1909 to a Jewish background family. Richard was a militant atheist who opposed all religions. Despite… Continue reading Rev. Richard Wurmbrand: Voice for the Persecuted
Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction
ALEPPO, Syria – A weeklong ceasefire came to a violent end as government-directed airstrikes pummeled the city. The attacks targeted a United Nations humanitarian convoy in rebel-held neighborhoods, killing at least 12 workers, while continued strikes killed another 70 and destroyed the city’s water station. The violence in late September heightened tensions between the United… Continue reading Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction
Syrians turn to Christ in the midst of civil war
In the midst of a devastating civil war, Christian ministries continue to report thousands of Syrians are turning to faith in Christ. Numerous Christian groups and relief organizations are on the scene serving the Syrian war victims, and their work is having a dramatic impact. Indigenous missionaries are working up to 15 hours a day,… Continue reading Syrians turn to Christ in the midst of civil war
Gladys Alyward
Introduction Gladys Alyward, standing at 4’10” was a small woman who did extraordinary things with God’s strength. Aylward was a determined woman. The China Inland Missions thought she was too old and would be unable to learn Chinese, but, Alyward would be a missionary to China no matter what anyone else said. No one would… Continue reading Gladys Alyward
White Helmet relief workers saving lives in Syria
When Khaled Omar, a Syrian Civil Defense White Helmet volunteer in Syria, rescued a 14-day-old baby boy from debris following a Russian air strike, the world cheered and celebrated his heroism. The “miracle baby”, after being buried for 16 hours, was safe at last in Aleppo. “I thought I was being delusional because I was… Continue reading White Helmet relief workers saving lives in Syria
George Muller: A Man of Prayer and Great Faith
George Muller was originally a thief. Through his conversion, God made Muller a man of great faith and prayer. It just goes to show, that God can use anyone for His glory to be made known, even a thief. Early Life Muller was born in Prussia (modern day Germany) in 1805. His father was a… Continue reading George Muller: A Man of Prayer and Great Faith