Rural Pastors Equipped to Impact Ghana’s Most Remote Communities

GHANA — While many rural pastors in remote villages across Ghana have no access to training resources, many also face the challenges of not being able to read and write. In response Theovision International has partnered with the Moody Bible Institute to provide a unique oral Bible training school. During their latest graduation many of… Continue reading Rural Pastors Equipped to Impact Ghana’s Most Remote Communities

Somewhere Under the Rainbow in Nicaragua

SPRINGFIELD, MO – Rainbows. They draw our attention to the glory of God and of His loving promise to never destroy sinful humanity with a worldwide flood as He did in Noah’s day. We can be thankful for that promise every day, but we are especially so when we gaze in awe and wonder at… Continue reading Somewhere Under the Rainbow in Nicaragua

Introducing Twelve21 Global

Photo by Twelve21 Global Facebook

GARLAND, TX – Odds are that you have never heard of Twelve21 Global. That’s because it was founded by Yusuph Emmanuel only two years ago in 2018. Yusuph knows first-hand what life on the streets is like in a developing country. He grew up as a street kid in the African country of Tanzania. Life… Continue reading Introducing Twelve21 Global

Where there is Illiteracy, there is Poverty

“Literacy Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond” was the theme for this years’ International Literacy Day on September 8, 2020. UNICEF introduced the initiative in 1996 to encourage governments, businesses, and non-governmental agencies to promote and participate in programs to advance literacy for men, women, and children around the world. The gap… Continue reading Where there is Illiteracy, there is Poverty

Pioneer Bible Translators – Bridging the Bible Literacy Gap

Photo by Pioneer Bible Translators, In Their Own Words: Bible Translation

DALLAS, TX – International Literacy Day is September 8, 2020. Pioneer Bible Translators’ approach to reducing illiteracy is unique. Their name implies that their work is limited to Bible translation. While Bible translation is a key component of their work, Pioneer Bible Translators’ mission and vision are much broader. The PBT team includes translators who… Continue reading Pioneer Bible Translators – Bridging the Bible Literacy Gap

TeachBeyond Offers Transformational Education

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA – TeachBeyond is all about transformation. In the early years following World War 2, Youth for Christ invited the Janz Brother Quartet to travel from their homes in Manitoba to participate in crusades in Germany. Those crusades envisioned sharing the hope found in Jesus Christ to transform a languishing, war-weary nation. In 1954,… Continue reading TeachBeyond Offers Transformational Education

Literacy & Evangelism International

TULSA, OK – Gospel for Asia released a special report written by Karen Burton Mains in September 2019. “Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures” discussed resolving the limitations that illiteracy places on the human spirit.Mrs. Mains explained that because we read and write, we “often take for granted the treacherous limitations illiteracy places on… Continue reading Literacy & Evangelism International

Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations. Few… Continue reading Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit

New Gospel for Asia Special Report Cites Consequences of Illiteracy

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) has released a new special report entitled “Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures.” Subtitled, “Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit,” noted author Karen Mains explains that illiteracy is a multi-faceted . . . problem that results in [fewer] job opportunities and low income,… Continue reading New Gospel for Asia Special Report Cites Consequences of Illiteracy

Literacy is ‘Miracle Cure’ to Absolute Poverty for Women Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — With more than 250 million women in Asia unable to read or write, faith-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) cites literacy as a “miracle cure” to release women from generational poverty. To mark International Literacy Day, Sunday, Sept. 8, the humanitarian organization located in Texas announced it was publishing a… Continue reading Literacy is ‘Miracle Cure’ to Absolute Poverty for Women Says Gospel for Asia

The Spiritual Battle for Literacy

PARIS – Just days ago, UNESCO revealed that the world is “off track” in reaching yet another of the 2030 deadlines for sustainable development. With 2020 less than six months away, we are nearly one-third of the way on the timeline to meet those goals. On July 7, UNESCO admitted that the education goal (SDG… Continue reading The Spiritual Battle for Literacy

FEBC Radio Ministry Now Broadcasting Gospel in 124 Languages

Now broadcasting the 'good news' in 124 languages, FEBC ( beams Christian radio shows into thousands of remote communities and cities across Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Africa where millions are responding as they hear the gospel for the first time in their own "heart" language.

LA MIRADA, CA — Radio broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has opened up the airwaves for millions of people in unreached regions to hear the gospel in their own language for the first time – now broadcasting in 124 languages, with more than 2.2 million individuals responding annually to the “good news.” “In many… Continue reading FEBC Radio Ministry Now Broadcasting Gospel in 124 Languages

Feed the Stomach, Feed the Mind

My 2-year-old nephew, Emerson, loves books … and he can’t even read yet. He’ll tote around his favorite board books, flip through them upside-down, and jabber a story he’s making up in his head. You can tell he can’t wait to read on his own. He already knows his alphabet!The brains of children his age… Continue reading Feed the Stomach, Feed the Mind

The Devil Doesn’t Want People to Read

“The devil doesn’t want people to read because God wrote a book.” TULSA – You may never have heard of Literacy & Evangelism International, but the calling and vision the Lord gave to Dr. Robert F. Rice over 50 years ago are still prospering today. During several years of service ministering in South Korea, Bob… Continue reading The Devil Doesn’t Want People to Read

Remember Radio?

Contrary to popular belief among many Americans, radio is not a relic of the past. Once again, we are victims of our own isolation and our preoccupation with the ever-emerging technologies that seem to have relegated radio to the recollection of retirees. Then, there is the virtual demise of the once ubiquitous Radio Shack. The… Continue reading Remember Radio?

Biblica Partners With Streetlights Team for Innovative Spanish-Language Bible Translation

Biblica, the International Bible Society, has licensed its Nueva Version International translation for a Spanish-language, hip-hop-style audio Bible to be produced by Streetlights, the Chicago-based ministry led by (left to right) Aaron Lopez, Esteban Shedd and Loren La Luz.

Nueva Version International translation in partnership with Streetlights to feature in creative presentation of God’s Word for contemporary audience COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Biblica, the International Bible Society (, is partnering with a multi-media urban ministry team to share the Bible’s unchanging, relevant truth in an innovative way. Biblica is pleased to bring its Spanish-language… Continue reading Biblica Partners With Streetlights Team for Innovative Spanish-Language Bible Translation

Literacy Will Change Their Worlds

INDIA – September 8th was International Literacy Day. With so many days set aside to draw attention to causes, we rarely take a look back to recognize what we have done to meet the needs of the cause beyond memorializing the day. Illiteracy is a significant issue in South Asia and other areas of the… Continue reading Literacy Will Change Their Worlds

Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

International Literacy Day underscores how, in helping people learn to read, GFA brings practical help and spiritual hope to many on the fringes of society WILLS POINT, Texas — In many parts of the world, being unable to read isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a potentially deadly handicap that Gospel for Asia (GFA) is working hard to… Continue reading Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

Bibles For The World Campaign Tackles Disturbing Slide Toward U.S. Bible Illiteracy

Bibles for the World’s "Learn the Bible in a Year" book and daily radio broadcast aims to combat the rise in biblical illiteracy by helping readers understand how the story of God’s love is woven through Scripture.

‘Learn the Bible in a Year’ radio program offers response to Barna Group study showing downward trend in Bible literacy COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Bibles For The World (BFTW), a global ministry focused on reaching unreached peoples with the gospel in developing countries, is tackling a disturbing and growing trend — Bible illiteracy in the… Continue reading Bibles For The World Campaign Tackles Disturbing Slide Toward U.S. Bible Illiteracy

A Million Bibles for Cuba

HAVANA – Reports indicate that people are coming to Christ in Cuba in numbers rarely seen before. Lest we think that this is happening because of improved relationships between Cuba and the United States, we must remember that ministries from other countries have been working in Cuba for many years. The awakening that is happening… Continue reading A Million Bibles for Cuba

Gospel for Asia Literacy Program Opens Doors for Asia’s Impoverished Families

GFA-supported workers taught reading and writing basics at a series of events held to celebrate International Literacy Day, helping improve the circumstances of low-paid families.

One of thousands of women taught to read and write tells how GFA-supported initiative ‘made my dream come true’ WILLS POINT, Texas—It was a dream come true for a 50-year-old woman living in a village in northern India when she wrote her own name for the first time—a milestone made possible by GFA (Gospel for Asia)… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Literacy Program Opens Doors for Asia’s Impoverished Families

Mission India Celebrates 40th Anniversary

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan – A visit to India in 1971 led John DeVries to pray, “God, I will serve you anywhere you want. Just, please, don’t send me back here again.” At the time, DeVries did not realize that what he was seeing was the Lord’s way of opening John’s eyes and heart to the… Continue reading Mission India Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Thai King Endorses 20th Constitution

Photo by archer10 (Dennis) The new Thai King endorsed the 20th Constitution of Thailand in early April. Per Fox News, “King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun endorsed the document in an elaborate ceremony at the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall attended by senior members of the country’s military government as well as foreign diplomats.” The military had seized control… Continue reading Thai King Endorses 20th Constitution

Privatization seeks to boost Uganda’s failing education system

KAMPALA, Uganda – Uganda’s ministry of education is looking toward low-cost private schools to counter the failure of the public school system caused by teacher absenteeism, poor facilities and high dropout rates. According to the BBC, 68 percent of Ugandan students do not complete elementary school. Teachers are ill-prepared for their careers, with 78 percent… Continue reading Privatization seeks to boost Uganda’s failing education system

Indian Teen Dies After Rape and Being Set Afire

The recent violent death of a 16-year-old rape victim again brings focus to India’s crisis of sexual assault against women. The assailant, who also set the teenager aflame before fleeing, was allegedly her 20-year-old boyfriend. Cultural norms in India make the reporting of sexual assault taboo. However, more rape victims are reporting their assaults and… Continue reading Indian Teen Dies After Rape and Being Set Afire

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