Healing for Nigerian Widow Hajaratu

In Nigeria, Fulani herdsmen kill & displace Christians & take over their farmland - Hajaratu, a widow from Chibob fled one of these raids.

CHIBOB, NIGERIA — In the Middle Belt of Nigeria, militant Fulani herdsmen kill and displace Christians and take over their farmland. Hajaratu, a widow from Chibob, Nigeria, has suffered immeasurable grief after fleeing from one of these raids. Find out how Open Doors is helping more women like Hajaratu to heal.


“I woke up the children, telling them that the Fulani were attacking. I flung my little daughter on my back quickly strapped her with a cloth and went outside to the gate to see what was happening. We all ran out, scatting in different directions. I ran towards the stream and saw some people holding lights across the river. I followed and went in their direction. I continued walking while crying for help, but the people I had followed had gone very far ahead. I was soaked in muddy water.

“My daughter was crying, but I kept on walking. I reached the deep part of the river where I got submerged and began to down. My daughter cried as I struggled to resurface. I can’t even explain how I made it to the riverbank. It was then I asked myself, amidst the confusion. ‘Where is my daughter?’”

The fast-moving river swept Hajaratu’s daughter away in the night. There was nothing she could do to save her.


“I went to my elder brother’s house and saw the Fulani had shot him and burnt him and burnt his house. They had cut his body badly and killed his wife and daughter. We hadn’t even rested when we heard rumours that the Fulani would attack again the next day. We left and cross the river until we came to a village. A pastor who heard of the attack sent a vehicle that helped take us to Zonkwa camp.”

Open Doors worked with local church leaders to provide emergency relief for victims of the attack living in this informal camp.


“On the third day of being in the camp, I was reunited with my children. They were brought to me in the camp and I hugged them crying because my fear was that they had been killed even though I had not seen their bodies. This is my only joy and consolation. I prayed seriously questioning God as to why this horrific accident had happened to us.”

Through your support, Open Doors was able to provide in-depth counselling to Hajaratu at our trauma centre.


“I entered the training centre and saw the lady training us. Immediately I began to feel peace as I relaxed. The fear I had before completely disappeared. Open Doors I am grateful for the work you have done for us. The wisdom that God has given you to do this: May He increase it, so you can do more for others.”

About Open Doors UK

Open Doors is a non-denominational mission that supports persecuted Christians in over 70 countries where Christianity is socially or legally discouraged or oppressed. In their work, they provide vital support, training, and resources to those facing persecution or discrimination.

Resources that they provide include distributing Bibles and literature, running leadership training, assisting with socio-economic development and intercessory prayer. They also help victims of violence and disaster, including widows and orphans, with practical support such as relief aid, livelihood support, and community development projects.

Their vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians. They pray for a world where there is no persecution.

Read more news on Nigeria, Christian Persecution and World Missions.

Source: Global News Alliance, Healing for Nigerian Widow Hajaratu

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