Iranian Christian Woman Helps Other Persecuted Believers in Turkey

When Sahar became a Christian in Iran, she lost everything – her husband, her children and her freedom. But she never let go of God.

TURKEY — When Sahar became a Christian in Iran, she lost everything – her husband, her children and her freedom. But she never let go of God, and now she lives in Turkey, ministering to women who are going through similar situations for their faith.

*Name changed for security purposes.

Sahar* – Iranian Christian:

I remember when I was in the taxi on the way to my parents’ home, I was crying my eyes out. I think my main concern in this moment was for my younger son who was four years old at the time. I was thinking about who would take care of him, who would keep him warm at night.

Sahar, a mother of two from Iran was separated from her children after she began following Jesus. In Iranian Society, It’s easy for a man to divorce his wife and to take away their children.


In Iran. They don’t value women as they should. Women do not have their basic human rights. Now imagine if they want to convert to Christianity. Surely they will be in a lot of trouble. They are constantly under serious threat, physically or psychologically. Sometimes even their life is in danger.

I knew if my husband realized that I had become a Christian, he would really get angry. There was a real possibility of divorce and surely my children would have been taken away because I was an ex-Muslim. They would not let me even see them, because all my rights would have been taken away as a convert.

Sahar was reunited with her husband and children. But later, she was arrested because of her Christian activities.


One morning four years ago. I was shocked when agents of the Islamic Republic intelligence services came and arrested me. They took me to court twice. My preliminary sentence was 91 days and in the appeal court, they gave me five years in prison.

Facing the threat of long imprisonment, Sahar was able to flee Iran and now lives with her family in Turkey. She had received a call from God to help other Christian women in similar situations. And now she could receive training from Open Doors Partners to help her to fulfill that calling.


I heard something really strange in my heart from the Holy Spirit. I heard Him say: “You are my daughter. I choose you. You will serve among women even in different nations.” I was surprised! I remember clearly that I asked God aloud. How could this be? I’m a woman. Is it even possible?

The work that God had done in my life caused me to make a promise to God to help other women in any way that I can. In fact, all the brokenness that I had, the fear and trauma I had as a woman made me more understanding of their situation. To this day, I am doing this. I am telling them: “God loves you. He has your back and He is supporting you.”

Read more news on Christian Persecution, World Missions. Iran and the Refugee Crisis.

About Open Doors UK

Open Doors is a non-denominational mission that supports persecuted Christians in over 70 countries where Christianity is socially or legally discouraged or oppressed. In their work, they provide vital support, training, and resources to those facing persecution or discrimination.

Resources that they provide include distributing Bibles and literature, running leadership training, assisting with socio-economic development and intercessory prayer. They also help victims of violence and disaster, including widows and orphans, with practical support such as relief aid, livelihood support, and community development projects.

Their vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians. They pray for a world where there is no persecution.

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