Promise Keepers Builds Momentum, Reaches Men from 25 Nations and Across the Country Through Conference at AT&T Stadium

July 16 and 17 saw the dawn of a new era as Promise Keepers (PK) held its 2021 Conference at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys.

DALLAS — July 16 and 17 saw the dawn of a new era as Promise Keepers (PK), the men’s ministry founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney and known for its massive stadium events, held its 2021 Conference for Men at AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys.

The two-day event featured everything that men have come to expect from a PK event — an authentic, Christ-centered experience with amazing keynote speakers, worship artists and special guests. Every element was carefully assembled to produce a timely message of hope, unity, and transformation to empower men to bless their families, strengthen their churches, transform their communities and reignite a new generation.

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), board member of Promise Keepers, was just one of the speakers inspiring the worldwide audience with a vision of Christian manhood:

“Who are we as Christian men? Who are we as his church? Are we just another institution in society? Are we another religious faith narrative competing in the marketplace of ideas? Who are we as men, and who are we in the 21st century?

“We must respond with clarity, conviction and courage: we are the light of the world. We are a city on a hill. We are people of the word. We are salt and light. We are prophetic and not pathetic. We are disciples, witnesses and Christ-followers. We are children of the cross, fruit of the empty tomb, and product of the upper room. We are the redeemed of the Lord. We are forgiven, free and favored, called and chosen. We are warriors and worshipers. We are world changers and history makers.

“And let me tell you what we are not. We are not Google. We are not Microsoft. We are not Ford. We are not Starbucks and respectfully, we are not the NFL.

“We are the Church of Jesus Christ. And the gates of hell shall not, the gates of hell will not, the gates of hell cannot prevail against us.”

Other speakers included Jonathan Evans, Les Parrott, Carter Conlon, Nick Vujicic, Donald Burgs, Jr., Jerry Boykin, A. R. Bernard, James Robison, Robert Morris, Chad Hennings, Tim Brown, Charles Haley and Michael Irvin.

Musicians included Tauren Wells, Cody Carnes and The Gateway Worship Band.

The event reached far beyond the confines of AT&T stadium. Via simulcast:

  • Men participated in more than 25 countries, including Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Liberia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela — to name a few.
  • Men participated in their own languages as the event was simultaneously translated into Spanish, Portuguese and ASL.
  • Men participated in all 50 states at local churches and in private gatherings.
  • Men participated from prisons and transitional homes throughout the State of Tennessee.

In the months to come, more men will experience the conference

  • Via television, radio, and rebroadcast through agreements with broadcasters and ministries around the world.
  • Via PK’s partnership with Prison Fellowship, which will take the event to thousands of prisoners.

For every statistic of masses of men participating in the event, there are stories of individual men — fathers, sons and grandfathers — experiencing a breakthrough in their own families. Men like Kristopher Spangler and his son:

The PK stadium conference is just the beginning. PK’s investment in technology and infrastructure means they can build men — and connect men — every day and in every place.

  • Promise Keepers app, available on Apple and Android, is a completely free “digital brotherhood” that will connect men across geographic, generational, and denominational lines so men can connect and grow and do life with each other. The app provides an ignition point for relationship and discipleship while providing real-time help for men’s issues. PK experienced a surge of men signing up and engaging in the app during and after the conference.
  • The New Believers Guide, available through and the app, is a completely free resource for going deeper in the faith.
  • Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities through Compassion International and International Justice Mission (IJM). Promise #5 of a Promise Keeper calls on men to serve others, and men are committing to get in the game and be local change-makers by standing in the gap by sponsoring fatherless children in Kenya through Compassion International and volunteering for rescue and recovery projects through IJM’s all-new Volunteer Hub.

Chad Hennings, Promise Keepers board member, said:

“Today, digital integration not only allows us to do stadium events, but it also allows us to provide the full spectrum of men’s ministry: a catalytic event that sparks fellowship, discipleship and change-making teams of men in communities everywhere, working together to impact the core of our culture — and we will continue to do ministry 365 days a year even after the event ends. We are meeting men where they are — in church, at a friend’s watch party, on social media or through the app.”

Ken Harrison, volunteer chairman of Promise Keepers, said:

“Promise Keepers is more than an organization; it is a movement in the hearts of men, turning them back to God in humility and repentance and toward each other in authentic relationships across generational, denominational and racial divides. Likewise, this stadium event was not just a program, but rather a platform for equipping men to function as ambassadors of reconciliation and service because of an authentic encounter with Jesus.”

About Promise Keepers

Founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers is one of the biggest movements of God in the history of the Church. Focused on helping men live with integrity, Promise Keepers touched the lives of seven million men through its national conferences. On October 4, 1997, over a million of these men gathered for Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men in the National Mall in the District of Columbia to take a stand for Christ.

Today, we’re on the move again. More than ever, America needs a revival of godly men. Our nation faces problems that can only be overcome when men of integrity — promise-keeping men — fulfill their destinies as godly husbands, fathers, and leaders.

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