Loving South Sudan In Deed And Truth

In Deed and Truth Ministries
Photo by In Deed And Truth Ministries, Facebook

TONJ, SOUTH SUDAN – According to the World Watch List, the secession of South Sudan from Sudan in 2011 left both countries in chaos. This was especially true on a personal level for thousands of Christians who were starving, killed, injured, or displaced during attempts to force Sudan to become an Islamic state.

Photo by In Deed And Truth Ministries, Facebook

Sabet Kuj had witnessed the carnage first-hand. Back home in southern California, his wife, Suzy, developed a passion for the South Sudanese while watching video footage that Sabet had taken.

The Lord impressed them to set aside their own comfort and safety as they read 1 John 3:16-18.

By this, we know love: because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but In Deed And In Truth.

Their decision to love as Jesus loves led them to pray for the Lord to open doors and supply the needs necessary to aid their brothers and sisters.

What they did not know was how powerfully the Lord would use them. For instance, they had not envisioned becoming a church-planting ministry. On the other hand, they were determined to start a church ministry in Tonj.

The church started with about twenty people in regular attendance. Over the past two decades, the congregation moved from one gathering place to another, each time needing more room to accommodate the growth.

Sabet and Suzy decided to add a small Community Health Program in 2012. The church began to grow due to the increase in visitors stimulated by the free clinic and the persistent commitment to share the Gospel with everyone. People were being saved.

The Kuj family realized that they needed help to minister effectively to a growing number of believers. This led to the establishment of a school of evangelism through which thirteen native pastors have graduated and continued on the plant new churches.

The ministry is replete with stories of what the Lord is doing.

The church began looking for its own piece of property in 2016. They found one in a residential neighborhood. The selling price was $10,000, but the Land Commission sold it to In Deed And Truth for a mere $200.

Next, they began raising funds to raise the building, but by the time they had the funds in hand, they realized that the building was already too small for the congregation that was still growing.

Back to the drawing board. Then another miracle. A UN road crew working in the area volunteered to help them grade the land to accommodate the new building.

Currently, a contractor has broken ground. The people are expecting their permanent building to be available in 2021.

A few months ago, a day was set aside to dedicate the space on which the church in Tonj is being built. More than 3,000 people were in attendance, and more than one hundred people were baptized.

It is, indeed, true that “little is much when God is in it.” The problem is never the Lord’s ability to do remarkable things. The problem is whether we are willing to sacrifice all we have and to live In Deed And Truth.

Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations and Christian Persecution.


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